These are outrageous attacks and we need to throw them back in the face of our Nation's new ultra-left leadership.
After all, according to the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), you and I are "right-
wing extremists."
A recent DHS Threat Assessment specifically listed pro-life, pro-veteran, and pro-Second Amendment citizens -- as well as those who simply believe in a limited federal government --
as terror threats!
Under pressure, Secretary Janet Napolitano removed the report from her agency's web site, but she has refused to repudiate it.
This outrageous report is symptomatic of the animosity our Nation's new leadership holds toward people of faith and patriots who love this country.
The same President who changed the "war on terror" to an "overseas contingency operation" and has removed "Islamic extremist" from his lexicon has instead put the bull's eye on America's people of faith and traditional values! Now WE are allegedly the terror threats!
Well, I've decided to match fire with fire...
+ + We're sending it right back at them!
I want to invite you to join me in throwing these outrageous attacks back in the face of our Nation's new ultra-left leadership by taking a simple step...
I want you to join me as an official Liberty Counsel card-carrying "Right-wing Extremist"!
Go here to request your complimentary card:
I want you to have the official laminated, wallet-sized card (personalized with your name) for two reasons...
First, our "Right-wing Extremist" card is a symbol of your personal rejection of the new administration's attacks against people of faith and those holding traditional values. You can join me in turning the tables on them by wearing the term "Right-wing Extremist" as a badge of honor!
If being pro-life, pro-faith and pro-veteran makes me an "extremist," then so be it!!
Second, I want you to have the phone number to our Liberty Counsel office in your wallet or purse at all times... just in case you are confronted in any way by a government agent who is hostile to your faith or your traditional values.
And it's already happening... just ask the man in Louisiana who was detained by police for having a patriotic bumper sticker. That's why I want you to have the card -- so our legal team can
be notified and we can stop this outrageous profiling wherever and whenever it takes place.
+ + The card is my gift to you
Once again, there is no cost for the card. I am so outraged by the attacks that are coming from this Administration against patriots and people of faith that I feel we must get these cards into the hands of all our team members.
Of course, there are expenses associated with this national campaign, so any financial support you provide will be greatly appreciated and put to immediate use in advancing and protecting our precious liberties.
So please...
Take a moment right now to take a stand with me against these attacks and request your Official Liberty Counsel "Right-wing Extremist" Card.
Mathew Staver, Founder
Liberty Counsel
P.S. The card will be personalized for you... and it's free. But to begin processing your card, I must hear from you. Please go here now:
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