Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Don't Tread On Me!

Image Source

Did you know that a Louisiana man was detained by police for having a "Don't Tread on Me" bumper sticker on his car. That's right... the police directly challenged this man for having an "extremist" (i.e. patriotic) bumper sticker! This is crazy! Would you have ever dreamed that would happen 10 years ago? 5 years ago? Even 1 year ago? The information below came to me in an email today. I wanted to share it with you. Join me as an official card-carrying "Right-wing Extremist"! I have already ordered mine!! Let me know if you order one too. Now, I want to get a bumper sticker AND matching flag. :-)

These are outrageous attacks and we need to throw them back in the face of our Nation's new ultra-left leadership.

After all, according to the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), you and I are "right-
wing extremists."

A recent DHS Threat Assessment specifically listed pro-life, pro-veteran, and pro-Second Amendment citizens -- as well as those who simply believe in a limited federal government --
as terror threats!

Under pressure, Secretary Janet Napolitano removed the report from her agency's web site, but she has refused to repudiate it.

This outrageous report is symptomatic of the animosity our Nation's new leadership holds toward people of faith and patriots who love this country.

The same President who changed the "war on terror" to an "overseas contingency operation" and has removed "Islamic extremist" from his lexicon has instead put the bull's eye on America's people of faith and traditional values! Now WE are allegedly the terror threats!

Well, I've decided to match fire with fire...

+ + We're sending it right back at them!

I want to invite you to join me in throwing these outrageous attacks back in the face of our Nation's new ultra-left leadership by taking a simple step...

I want you to join me as an official Liberty Counsel card-carrying "Right-wing Extremist"!

Go here to request your complimentary card:

I want you to have the official laminated, wallet-sized card (personalized with your name) for two reasons...

First, our "Right-wing Extremist" card is a symbol of your personal rejection of the new administration's attacks against people of faith and those holding traditional values. You can join me in turning the tables on them by wearing the term "Right-wing Extremist" as a badge of honor!

If being pro-life, pro-faith and pro-veteran makes me an "extremist," then so be it!!

Second, I want you to have the phone number to our Liberty Counsel office in your wallet or purse at all times... just in case you are confronted in any way by a government agent who is hostile to your faith or your traditional values.

And it's already happening... just ask the man in Louisiana who was detained by police for having a patriotic bumper sticker. That's why I want you to have the card -- so our legal team can
be notified and we can stop this outrageous profiling wherever and whenever it takes place.

Go here to see a sample of what your card looks like...

+ + The card is my gift to you

Once again, there is no cost for the card. I am so outraged by the attacks that are coming from this Administration against patriots and people of faith that I feel we must get these cards into the hands of all our team members.

Of course, there are expenses associated with this national campaign, so any financial support you provide will be greatly appreciated and put to immediate use in advancing and protecting our precious liberties.

So please...

Take a moment right now to take a stand with me against these attacks and request your Official Liberty Counsel "Right-wing Extremist" Card.

Thank you and God bless you,

Mathew Staver, Founder
Liberty Counsel

P.S. The card will be personalized for you... and it's free. But to begin processing your card, I must hear from you. Please go here now:

...and may you further join us in annoying federal bureaucrats who have the audacity to try to label law-abiding, every day Americans as being "extremists" and "potential terrorists"!Image Source-Navy Jack
After reading this be sure to visit this web site. I found it to be an interesting read. You can read more about the story mentioned above here. You can also order some other goodies. Flags are here,
shirts are here
stickers, mugs, hats, and more are here.

Check out

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Cultured Moms Favorite Things-Hummingbird Feeder

Image Source

I love my hummingbird feeder. It has given me a lot of pleasure to be able to watch these tiny and adorable creatures.
We have a feeder very much like the one above hanging right in front of our sliding glass doors. It is very easy to walk up to the door and get a really close look at the hummingbirds.

Until last year I always struggled with cleaning the feeder. This design on the one I have comes a part and is very easy to clean. It makes a big difference. If you buy a feeder make sure it comes apart in more than one piece.

You can spend just a little bit of money (under $5 at Walmart) or a lot more for the fancier ones.

Apparently, there are other visitors that enjoy the hummingbird feeder. I never thought of this and was very surprised to see it. Don't be alarmed though. I have NEVER seen this and have had a feeder for at least 12 years. I think this may only be in a certain part of the country. Check out these photos.

You can see a short video by clicking here.

If you haven't had a hummingbird feeder before there are a couple of things you should know. You do not need to purchase the liquid for the hummingbirds. Just boil a cup of water (in the microwave will work) and then add 1/4 c. of sugar. Stir until it is dissolved. Let it cool and then put it in your feeder. Be careful when pouring in the sugar as it can overflow quickly. Since this is super hot water you don't want to get burned.

Another thing to know about hummingbirds is that a male will not share with another male. He will share with a female. Usually, one hummingbird will dominate a feeder. If others come along there is usually a battle for it. It is pretty entertaining to see them sneaking up to the feeder and then another hummingbird coming out of nowhere to shoo it away.

I have never had this problem but I found this place that talks about what you can do if you have a problem with bees at your feeder. Click here.

A hummingbird feeder is cheap entertainment. Once you have the feeder all you need is some water and some sugar. If you have a feeder in a good location I am sure you will love it. You can also get some really good photos. I read about someone that sat in a chair holding the feeder. The hummingbirds came to it and drank while he was holding it. He could feel the wind from the wings and hear the sounds they make. I thought that sounded like a fun thing to try.

Image Source

To see a lot more of Cultured Moms Favorite Things click on the bottom of this post where you see those words. Let us know if you try a hummingbird feeder or what you think of the one you have.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Power To Regulate & Control The Air-You Will Pay

You really NEED to read this.

From the Desk of:
Steve Elliott, President, Alliance

Waxman has launched his fast-track strategy for the
Carbon Tax... AND we have the "smoking gun" that
exposes the fraud of the carbon scheme. See below.

The cap-and-trade Carbon Tax is now officially on the fast-
track and Chairman Henry Waxman is forcing a vote in less
than 48 hours.

Yesterday, Waxman officially skipped the subcommittee and
sent out a memo that the 1,000+-page bill would be pushed through the key Energy and Commerce committee by Thursday:

"My goal is to conclude consideration of the legislation on
Thursday, May 21... Members should be prepared to work
late on Tuesday and Wednesday evenings."

+ + Radical Statism On Fast Track!

I believe the Carbon Tax is the most dangerous and oppressive power grab that we have yet seen -- perhaps even worse than the bailouts!

The Waxman bill will give the government the power to regulate and control the air -- and you and I will be forced to pay!

+ + Faxes and Phone Calls Needed Non-Stop For Next 48 Hours

Waxman wants this bill wrapped up and through the Energy
and Commerce Committee this week because there is real
opposition -- even from some Democrats -- to this outrageous energy tax.

That's why it is absolutely crucial that every Grassfire team
member help us flood the House with phone calls and faxes urging this committee to reject the cap-and-trade carbon tax.

Go here right now to schedule your faxes for immediate
delivery to your Representative and key members of
this committee:

(As always, we provide all the information for you to send
your own faxes, if you choose.)

Once you have scheduled your faxes or if you have already
scheduled your faxes...

Call your Representative and these key members of the Energy
and Commerce Committee and tell them you oppose the cap-and-trade
Carbon Tax...

Rep. Sullivan 202-225-2211

We have identified the key members of the Energy and Commerce
Committee who need to hear from grassroots Americans:

Rep. Michael Ross (AR) 202-225-3772
Rep. Charlie Melancon (LA) 202-225-4031
Rep. G. Butterfield (NC) 202-225-3101
Rep. Zack Space (OH) 202-225-6265
Rep. Michael Doyle (PA) 202-225-2135
Rep. Bart Gordon (TN) 202-225-4231
Rep. Charles Gonzalez (TX) 202-225-3236
Rep. Gene Green (TX) 202-225-1688
Rep. James Matheson (UT) 202-225-3011
Rep. Rick Boucher (VA) 202-225-3861
Rep. Peter Welch (VT) 202-225-4115
Rep. Jay Inslee (WA) 202-225-6311

+ + Talking Points

1. I am disappointed that Rep. Waxman is rushing the 1,000-page
cap-and-trade Carbon Tax through the Energy and Commerce
Committee this week.

2. This bill deserves full deliberation and should not be rushed.

3. I oppose the cap-and-trade Carbon Tax. This is an outrageous
power grab by the federal government that will greatly expand
government control and increase my taxes.

4. Especially in these difficult economic times, Congress must not pass a this tax on the American people!

+ + We have the "Smoking Gun""!

One more note -- while Obama was pushing Waxman to fast-track
this Energy Tax, a memo leaked out of Obama's Office of Management and Budget which harshly criticized the Carbon Tax...

"The decision to regulate CO2... for the first time is likely
to have serious economic consequences"...

The memo -- which adds that CO2 has "no demonstrated direct health effects" -- has been a source of great embarrassment to the Obama administration. Go to my ResistNet blog to read it:

This entire cap-and-trade scheme is a statist power grab cloaked
in leftist "save the planet" lingo just to make us swallow it
hook and sinker. Thank you for taking action!

Steve Elliott, President

P.S. Waxman is gambling that grassroots citizens will not sniff
out his fast-track plan, enabling him to push the carbon tax
through the committee with little opposition. Because he is gambling, there is a chance that we can de-rail the carbon tax scheme this week. Please help.