Friday, May 30, 2008

Born That Way?

Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, this he will also reap. For the one who sows to his own flesh shall from the flesh reap corruption, but the one who sows to the Spirit shall from the Spirit reap eternal life. Galatians 6:7,8

Don't believe it when they say "they are born that way". That would make God an unjust God. He is not. That would mean HE punishes for something he has created. HE did not create sin and did not create homosexuality. As we have been told, The TRUTH will set you free. Check out this article below.

The debate over homosexual "marriage" often becomes focused on whether homosexuality is a learned behavior or a genetic trait. Many homosexual activists insist that "science" has shown that homosexuality is inborn, cannot be changed, and that therefore they should have the "right to marry" each other.

Beginning in the early 1990s, activists began arguing that scientific research has proven that homosexuality has a genetic or hormonal cause. A handful of studies, none of them replicated and all exposed as methodologically unsound or misrepresented, have linked sexual orientation to everything from differences in portions of the brain,1,2 to genes,3 finger length,4 inner ear differences,5 eye-blinking,6 and "neuro-hormonal differentiation."7

Meanwhile, Columbia University Professor of Psychiatry Dr. Robert Spitzer, who was instrumental in removing homosexuality in 1973 from the American Psychiatric Association's list of mental disorders, wrote a study published in the October 2003 Archives of Sexual Behavior. He contended that people can change their "sexual orientation" from homosexual to heterosexual.8 Spitzer interviewed more than 200 people, most of whom claimed that through reparative therapy counseling, their desires for same-sex partners either diminished significantly or they changed over to heterosexual orientation. Although still a proponent of homosexual activism, Spitzer has been attacked unmercifully by former admirers for this breach of the ideology that people are "born gay and can't change." Immutability is a central tenet of demands for "gay rights" and "gay marriage."

Because no single study can be regarded as definitive, more research on people who have overcome homosexuality needs to be done. But a considerable body of previous literature about change from homosexuality to heterosexuality has been compiled, and the sheer number of exceptions to the "born gay" theory should be a warning to researchers and media to proceed with caution before declaring that science has "proved" that homosexuality is genetic.9 .......

The Twins Study

In 1991, J. Michael Bailey and Richard C. Pillard published a study that examined identical and fraternal twin brothers and adopted brothers in an effort to establish a genetic link to homosexuality. Fifty-two percent of the identical twins were reportedly homosexual, while only 22 percent of fraternal twins fell into the same category. But since identical twins have identical genetic material, the fact that nearly half of the identical twins were heterosexual effectively refutes the idea that homosexuality has a genetic basis.35

"This finding alone argues for the enormous importance of nongenetic factors influencing homosexuality," writes Dr. Jeffrey Satinover, "because … in order for something to be genetically determined, as opposed to merely influenced, the genetic heritability would need to approach 100 percent." Satinover, a psychiatrist, notes that "identical twins reared together share more significant environmental influences than nonidentical twins reared together," and that narcissism, a key component of homosexuality, is more likely among identical twins who "grow up with mirror images of themselves."37 (Italics in original.)

In his analysis of the medical evidence purportedly supporting a biological cause of homosexuality, Dr. Byne noted other twin studies:

Without knowing what developmental experiences contribute to sexual orientation the effects of common genes and common environments are difficult to disentangle. Resolving this issue requires studies of twins raised apart.38

Other physicians have also criticized the study for overvaluing the genetic influence.39

Dr. Byne's arguments might lead some activists to label him a "homophobe." He is, in reality, quite the contrary. Byne readily advocates societal acceptance of homosexuality and "gay rights," but nevertheless concludes, "Most of the links in the chain of reasoning from biology to social policy [regarding homosexuality], do not hold up under scrutiny."40

Bailey conducted another study in 1999, published in the March 2000 issue of the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, which actually showed less possible genetic influence on homosexuality than the first twins study. He sent a questionnaire to the entire Australian Twin Registry. Only three pairs of identical male twins were both homosexual out of a total of 27 in which at least one was homosexual. Of the 16 fraternal male twins, none of the pairs was both homosexual. Bailey found similar results for lesbians.41

Finish the article here.

Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, this he will also reap. For the one who sows to his own flesh shall from the flesh reap corruption, but the one who sows to the Spirit shall from the Spirit reap eternal life. Galatians 6:7,8

Confessions of a Car Salesman

Image source
This was a VERY interesting read. I highly recommend it. Ever wonder about car salesmen? This gives you a fascinating peek into their world. I have a new respect for them but also a new way of thinking about buying a car. Check out this article from

Thursday, May 29, 2008

The Easy Way To Parent

Image source found here.

Don't worry about teaching consequences. You will always be there to bail them out, right? We don't want them to grow up too fast anyway. Who says you have to act like an adult, just because you are 30. Can't we all just be like Peter Pan?

Don't worry about what they watch on TV. They are going to hear that stuff or see that stuff one day anyway. You can't shelter them forever. Based on that logic, I see no reason to wait another minute.

Don't worry about what they listen to on the radio or what kind of music they listen to. Who says children/teens develop bad attitudes based on the kind of music they listen to? Just because they sing along to their favorite songs about violence and sexual escapades doesn't mean they will become violent, go to jail, have children out of wedlock, or catch some disgusting disease. I am sure Britney Spears, Lindsay Lohan, and all those other female teen idols never listened to "that kind of music".

Don't worry about what they wear. Let them wear whatever they want. See comment above....I am sure you will be proud as can be when your girls dress like hookers at 14, 16, 21 and so on.

Don't worry about how they talk to you or any other adults. Respect is really not that important. After all, they probably will never have to be respectful to their minister, a police officer, an elderly adult, a boss, or a judge. I am sure they will get along just fine.

Don't worry about the way your children treat their siblings. Who cares if they can get along with others? It isn't like they will work in society, have a social life, get married, or have children of their own one day. Getting along is pretty over rated. That is why we don't have gang wars, violence, and run of the mill country wars any more....oh, wait...I guess we do.

Don't worry about teaching them the value of money. Money isn't all that important. Who needs it? As long as you work non stop you can just give them YOUR money. Why should they have to work. Uh oh, what about those pesky grand babies...who will take care of them?

Don't worry about teaching your children kindness and compassion. They could never make a difference in the life of a neighbor, elderly person, unfortunate youth, friend, or family member anyway.

Don't worry about teaching your children about life and DEATH. Never allow them to go to a funeral or see a dead animal. If they never see death then they will never be afraid, right? We don't ever want to frighten our children with the cold hard facts of life.

{It is better to spend more time at funerals than at festivals. For you are going to die and you should think about it while there is still time (Ecclesiastes 7:2)}

Don't worry about teaching them about God or the value of a relationship with HIM. Do we really need to concern ourselves with what happens in eternity?

{For what is your life? It is even a vapor that appeareth for a little time, and then vanishes away (James 4:14)}.

All of the above is certainly sarcastic but hopefully makes a point. The main point of parenting and of life in general can be summed up in 6 words.

Fear God and keep His commandments (Ecclesiastes 12:13).

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Toilet Fly!

This is a great (and short) article. I thought it was so funny! Click here to read the whole thing and to see the above photo much better.

Friday, May 23, 2008

Carbon Belch Day???

Image Source Found Here
You Have GOT To Love This! Refreshing isn't it?

With the Senate expected to vote next month on the massive $1.2 Trillion Carbon tax, Grassfire is striking back at climate alarmism with a bold, new initiative... Carbon Belch Day!

It's the antithesis of all the bogus global warming "go green" websites that try to make you feel guilty for your "carbon footprint."In fact, for this one special day (June 12) we're encouraging citizens to expand their carbon output in one, giant collective"Carbon Belch." We've identified 21 practical ways to measure your one-day "Carbon Belch."

Go here to calculate your total:

On June 12, we’re calling on people around the globe to do their part to save the planet by unleashing a healthy Carbon Belch. There’s so much you can do to increase your carbon footprint on Carbon Belch Day -- mow your lawn, go for a drive, gather neighbors for a barbecue (calculate your carbon belch here). In fact, there’s something for everyone. It’s never been so easy to do your part.

On June 12 I will do my best to increase my CO2 output and unleash a Carbon Belch on the planet. I do this with no fear or concern that I am destroying the planet. In fact, I think a good Carbon Belch can be healthy now and again.

In case you are still wondering what is going on, click here.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Heard At My House Recently

(By the way, doesn't this look like a cool clock radio? Click here to see more about it.)
Well, actually, this conversation was heard in my car and not my house. I just thought it sounded like more fun to say "at my house". Anyway, this conversation actually happened between me and my husband. I thought it was hilarious but he was stumped for a few seconds. It goes, something like this.

Hubby: Our daughter (teenager) is driving me up the wall.

Wife: (wondering to herself what kind of horrific behavior she is exhibiting) Really, what are you talking about?

Hubby: Every radio in the house is turned to THAT station. I try to listen to my favorite "talk radio" shows but every time I turn the radio on the station has been changed.

Wife: (holding back the laughter momentarily) You mean, that crazy teenage daughter of yours has gone all around the house changing the radio station to THAT CRAZY CHRISTIAN music? That same radio station that we ALL like? You have got to be kidding me? Do you hear yourself? (Then the laughter ensues.) Wife then explains how silly it is that hubby thinks his daughter has turned his life upside down by wanting to listen to uplifting, encouraging, moral, happy, Christian music. Then she goes on to remind him that other teenagers actually listen to terrible music that gives their parents the right to complain. ;-)

Oh, the many trials of being in a Christian homeschooling family. These crazy teens can drive you right up the wall with their loud Christian music. (snicker, snicker)

Friday, May 9, 2008

Finally!! Some Good News!!

(Image source: Reuters.)
You have to go here to find out why it may be GOOD to have a big booty!
I am so excited. Wouldn't it be great if times changed? How wonderful would it be if the super skinny models were replaced with the image of girls with an immense tush? The new beautiful babe with a bodacious behind? I can dream can't I?
This could be gooood! ;-)

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

40 Is Fabulous! Right?

Today I turned 40. Not a lot of words for you. How about a song?

A bit over dramatic?

Friday, May 2, 2008

What To Do With All Those Dandelions!

You must go over and read this post at Kitchen Table Medicine.

I will give you a little preview....

Yesterday while watching my hero, Martha Stewart, a guest in her audience asked the HORRIFYING question “Martha, what do I do to kill the dandelions growing in my garden?”

Her answer may be a bit unexpected for some of you.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Jane Austen and Kitchen Villains?

The above image was found here.
What do Jane Austen and kitchen villains have in common? Not a thing. I am combining them today anyway.

You should check out a new blog I found. This one is called "Kitchen Table Medicine".

"Who do you think the top enemies of the kitchen table are? Alcohol? Caffeine? Oh no! Those are just the small time crooks of the kitchen table. When enjoyed in moderation caffeine and alcohol are welcome at the kitchen table as a normal part of human socializing. So let’s talk about the REAL bad guys that should never be invited to join you at family dinner time."

You can go click on the following link to enjoy reading all of this post.

After checking out the oh-so-serious post above (wink, wink) all of you Ladies need to go over here and find out what Jane Austen hero you are.

If that is not enough for you today, I give you. The Bloggers Prayer...

The Bloggers Prayer

Lord help me to learn to spell without spellcheck, manage to visit all that visit me, and post regularly - all in 5 minutes a day, so that I can clean house and take care of my family.

Help me to not look at every occurrence in my life as a blog post, and to quit taking pictures of weird things to share as well.

Please Lord, help me to stop talking about my blog friends as though they are next door neighbors or someone I have known all of my life.
And help me dear Lord, to think of something witty and wise to post tomorrow.

The Dust Bunny Hostage