Thursday, February 21, 2008

'Global Warming Is Lies' Claims Documentary'

Check out this article. I am so excited to see an article like this. One of my favorite things that was said is below the link. (Italics bold print are my words or were added for emphasis.)

"At the moment, there is almost a McCarthyism movement in science where the greenhouse effect is like a puritanical religion and this is dangerous."In the programme Mr Calder said: "The greenhouse effect is seen as a religion and if you don't agree, you are a heretic."

By the way, as much as I know it was full of political correct junk, I am embarrassed to say I just LOVED the movie "Day After Tomorrow". Love those nifty special effects and Dennis Quaid. I think I love every movie he is in. Great actor in my opinion or maybe he is just a likeable fellow. ~Kim

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