Friday, September 14, 2007

Homeschooling Myth #2

If you missed Homeschooling Myth #1 you can find it here.

Where is everybody?
I haven't been getting any comments so I am wondering if anyone is reading this blog. I will probably keep it up even if nobody else is reading but it sure would be nice to know if I am just talking to myself. ;-) Back to regularly scheduled programming.

Myth #2 People that homeschool never leave the house. Their children are practically prisoners in their own home.

This one is downright hilarious in my opinion. I will give you an example of a typical day. Here is what we did yesterday.

Mom woke up around 5:30 am when hubby needed a ride to work. The car alarm was malfunctioning so it kept going off. That is NOT a good way to impress the neighbors, especially at that time. Threw my clothes on and headed to work with husband. Came home and hopped in the shower. Drove eldest daughter to Algebra II co-op class that lasted one hour and 20 minutes. She was there with 9 other students that never leave the house either. ;-) This is a twice a week class by the way so you know they are getting out of the house at least twice a week. ;-) Youngest daughter wanted to go so she sat in on the class with me (this was my week to be Mom's helper in the class). I kind of think she learned something so that was a bit scary. Afterwards we dropped off a job application for eldest daughter then stopped at grocery store where youngest begged to be able to go in and make the 3 purchases by herself. Afterwards we stopped at a neighbors house to buy some chicken eggs. Once we were home we were glad that was it for the day. We wanted to be able to concentrate on school work and not be distracted. At 5:30-ish, we hit the highway again to pick up Dad. After supper I asked myself, where did the day go?

Today will be school work, gymnastics, and a homeschool meeting tonight that my girls will attend with me. Also, eldest daughter will go to a friends house, we will call her "P" to do "Streams of Civilization" (history) together. "P" will come to our house for at least an hour to work on science with eldest daughter.

I look at my weeks according to how many days I get to stay home. Will this be a stay at home two days week or dare I dream of a stay at home THREE day week? It is a really sad week when it is only a stay at home ONE day week. Boo hoo. :-(
Often I get to stay home on Tuesdays and Fridays. Once a month I drive to the dairy (30 min. drive each way & then make deliveries to 2 homes) on Friday so that doesn't always work. I love it when we have snow days and the schools are closed. (Why can't we have those in the fall, summer, & spring too?) That means we have the whole day to not be distracted or preoccupied. I can't go anywhere and I like that. Kind of a bummer for my children since there is no such thing as getting out of school for bad weather.

My oldest has a Writer's Club meeting every 2 weeks, a high school game night once a month, 2 classes a week with co-op, another once a month class with co-op, she will be starting guitar lessons soon, and she will be the leader of our High School Yearbook Club for our homeschool group that meets once a month. In addition to that she has all the other things that come up during the year. There is a play she may be in this year. There is a possible trip to Spain in May that will most likely have plenty of "fundraising activities" coming up. Did I mention she handed in a job application for a part time job (see above where I mention trip to Spain)?

My youngest doesn't have as many activities and I plan on keeping it that way as long as I can. After seeing all the things that go on as a high schooler I am content in keeping things simple for this one for now. She has gymnastics once a week, soon she will be starting the girls group (similar to Girl Scouts but with the church and more Missions minded) once a week, she has middle school game night once a month, and then any field trips or other activities that will come up. (I am hoping to put her in an art class sometime this year.)Trust me when I say, there will be plenty of those things coming up.

Seriously, homeschoolers get out of the house plenty and we wish it was a whole lot less. Most homeschoolers have their children in at least one kind of lesson or activity (music lessons, sports, or something else) and often have them in a co-op or class of some sort. When you add in the daily activities like grocery shopping, errands, and fun with friends there is plenty of reason to get out of the house.

I hope you can see that this truly is a myth and homeschoolers get out of the house plenty!

1 comment:

Mrspsycho said...

You don't talk to yourself? I think there are more people lurking than you realize.