Wednesday, October 17, 2007

What Are We Teaching Our Children?

What Do They REALLY Think of Christianity?

I found some startling facts regarding our youth. I know parenting can be hard sometimes but we need to do so much better than this.

49% of "outsiders" (those outside the Christian faith) age 16-29 have a bad impression of evangelical Christians.

Percentage of "outsiders" age 16-29 who say that the following phrases describe present-day Christianity "a lot" or "some."

Too involved in politics--75%
Out of touch with reality--72%
Insensitive to others--70%

84% of outsiders know a Christian personally but only 15% see any lifestyle differences in those Christians.

Only 18% of born-again Christian youth consider serving people to be an important priority for their faith, and only 1% see discipling children or shaping their family faith as important.

Percentage of born-again Christian youth who believe that the following are morally acceptable:

Having an abortion--32%
Homosexual acts--28%
Using drugs illegally--16%

Seventy percent of 23- to 30-year-olds drop out of church. Of the dropouts, only about 35 percent return and attend church regularly, defined as at least twice a month.

Sources: David Kinnaman and Gabe Lyons, UnChristian (Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Books, 2007); TruthBook Religious News Blog

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