Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Rush is Under Attack-What For?

Below is an email I received this morning. This is so obvious and ridiculous. Please read it.
Starting in the 4th paragraph HERE you can read what really happened. There is more about it HERE also.

Conservative talk is under attack. Even if you don't listen to Rush know that last week it was Bill O'Reilly. They want them to shut up. We can't let the attackers have their way on this. This is America and this attack is very unAmerican! ~Kim

Media Research Center
From the Desk of:
Brent Bozell, Founder

++ Rush Limbaugh is under attack. Your immediate action is
needed. See details.


The radical left activist group, Media Matters (funded by
George Soros and others) has launched an all-out smear attack
against Rush Limbaugh. And the liberal media are shamelessly
promoting the assault.

Their goal? To force Rush off the air. Unless our MRC Action
Team takes a stand right now, they could actually succeed.

Here is what is happening:

Media Matters is claiming that Rush called any soldier that
opposes the war a "phony soldier." In fact, Rush was referencing
an anti-war activist who falsely and despicably passed himself
off as an Army Ranger and Purple Heart winner.

Rush was calling the phony soldier a "phony soldier"!

MSNBC willfully echoed the liberal attack campaign against
Rush -- despite the obvious spin and deception by Media
Matters. CBS's online "Public Eye" then joined in. And now,
liberals in Congress are trying to get Rush removed from
Clear Channel radio.

+ + Urgent Action Items

Action #1 -- Demand Clear Channel Radio "Keep Rush"

Our contacts tell us liberal groups are flooding
Clear Channel with demands to get Rush removed.

Go here to Email or Call Clear Channel to support Rush:


Action #2 --
Flood Congress with calls today.

Liberal Senators are moving a resolution forward to publicly
denounce Rush. We are urging all members of the MRC Action
Team to contact your Congressman and Senators telling them
you are offended by this action and urge them to oppose any
legislative measure attacking Rush.

Sen. Inhofe 202-224-4721
Sen. Coburn 202-224-5754

Congressional Switchboard: 202-224-3121

I want to be able to report to the media how our
MRC Action Team is responding to this attack. Once you take
action on either or both of these items, simply click here and
our system will automatically log that you have taken action:


This is nothing more than an all-out effort to silence
Rush and liberals will not stop until he is removed from the

Thank you for taking action with me.

L. Brent Bozell, Founder
Media Research Center

P.S. Finally, I urge ALL members of our Action Team to forward this
message to every person you know who has ever listened to talk radio.
We cannot allow lies and distortion to prevail over truth

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