Sunday, September 21, 2008

After you hit 30, it’s all downhill, right? Part 2

Now this girl is old but YOU are not. She was 176 yrs. old. ;-)

This is part 2 of the article from yesterday. Again, my comments are in red.

4. Clean up your diet.
You just can’t build healthy new cells by eating devitalized junk food that has a shelf life longer than your life expectancy. We all need plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, adequate protein, lots of water, sunshine, and fresh air. More fruits and veggies, more water, and more sun! All the things a growing boy or girl need. :-)

5. Take supplements.
Everyone needs at least a good daily multivitamin. Brands like Centrum aren’t worth the money. You need a pharmaceutical-grade product with good antioxidant coverage. A great deal of physical deterioration is the result of free radical damage to tissues. Antioxidants gobble up those free radicals, and help tissue in the skin and everywhere else stay pliable, flexible and healthy. This is something I think is VERY important. I have a lot to say on this subject. Not taking vitamins is like not having car insurance. You don't want to ever need it but if you do you won't be sorry. Responsible, mature people have car insurance and more kinds of insurance than that. A cheaper insurance and much more valuable is vitamins. You should at LEAST take a good multivitamin. Store brands are not that great. They have the RDA. That just means the amount that keeps you from being DEAD. It is not the amount that keeps you healthy. I personally take a multi-vitamin from the health food store, in addition to Cod Liver Oil, Cromium, extra vitamin C & E, B-150, and a few more. I also add pectin, Benefiber, and Pomegranite juice to my daily routine. I am not saying that you will have perfect health but like insurance it is something you need to have. It does help!

6. Get up and boogey!
There’s only one reason why someone automatically loses muscle mass or range of motion with age: They stop using their muscles and bodies fully. Period. Physical deterioration has very little to do with age. It has a lot to do with being sedentary. You wouldn’t expect your car to start on the first try and run well if you left it sitting out in a field for five years, then tried to drive it – would you? Of course not. It’s the same with our bodies. Those who exercise regularly can expect to add at least six to seven quality years to their lives. Walking isn’t usually enough to build the kind of muscle mass you need to keep your weight normal. You also need weight training to build and maintain bone mass. Take it from someone who hasn't been exercising much for a long time. After getting back to the gym 3 times a week I have been thrilled to see how much MORE I can do.

7. Engage in creative pursuits and schedule things to look forward to.
It’s possible to keep your mind sharp and enjoy your life without becoming an exercise or food nut. I often meet very creative people whose minds are so engaged in their work and in what they’re creating for the future that they’re saturated with life force directly from source energy. This is one of the reasons why composers such as 70-year-old John Williams seem so timeless. Their creative process is such that they’re always touching the hand of God. Their work is divinely inspired. I don't really know who this person is or if he really is touching the hand of God. However, creative pursuits are very good to have. It is important to have goals and to focus on things. Don't get in a rut doing the same thing all the time. And that rubs off on the physical body.

You don’t have to be a world-class composer to tap into source energy. Prayer will do it. And so will dance or any other creative pursuit. The key is that you have to open yourself up to being a channel for something new.

8. Go to a spa.
A spa visit can help jump-start your new, younger life. A good spa is set up with all the food, exercise, great company, and creativity built right in. So it’s natural to get inspired at a spa. I am not sure about this last one but I have never been to a spa. One day I will and maybe then I can let you know if this is helpful or not.

Remember, youth is a state of mind. You can be young at 90, and old at 15. You get to choose.

Christiane Northrup, M.D.

This article came from HERE.

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