Tuesday, October 7, 2008

An American Carol

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I am really excited. The movie is finally in theaters. It kind of snuck up on me since it came out on the 3rd. Has anyone seen it yet? I am talking about "An American Carol". For more information about it click here. You can watch the trailer there too.

I am excited that Kelsey Grammar is in it. I really like him. It turns out he is one of the few real life CONSERVATIVE actors. Can you believe it? There are some that exist. I think we should support this movie. Those of us with conservative values need to let Hollywood and others know we are NOT in the minority. Let's show them that a movie about our great country and the people that love it will bring in the bucks! Hollywood wake up! We don't support your liberal views!

If you have seen this movie please leave a comment. I want to hear what you think. This is your chance to play movie critic.

Since I am on the topic of movies I have to talk about one that just makes my blood boil. There is a new movie out by one of my least favorite people (Bill Maher) called "Religulous". I know I need to pray for him but when I think of him I imagine him holding hands with the devil.

I encourage you to NOT see this movie.

Here is an excerpt from Roger Ebert during his review of the movie.

"Between them, they cheerfully dismiss wide swaths of what are widely thought to be Catholic teachings, including the existence of Hell. One of these priests almost dissolves in laughter as he mentions various beliefs that I, as a child, solemnly absorbed in Catholic schools. The other observes that when Italians were polled to discover who was the first person they would pray to in a crisis, Jesus placed sixth."

You can read the whole thing here.

I know if I dig into this much more I will be furious so let's go back to "An American Carol" shall we? Let's go see that movie! I hope it is GREAT!

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