Thursday, October 30, 2008

My Top 7 Biggest Concerns....Part 1

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My Top 7 Biggest Concerns Regarding A Candidate Part 1

“A government big enough to give you everything you want, is big enough to take away everything you have.”—Thomas Jefferson

One of my goals on this blog is to help Moms be informed. I believe a lot of Moms get busy with their jobs, homes, families, husbands, etc. I think that it is easy to just avoid other things that are going on in the world and especially in our country. It is not a purposeful thing but it sometimes just accidentally happens. Because of that I am going to step into some political stuff from time to time. I sure hope I don't offend but that certainly is a risk you take when discussing politics.

I have been mulling around several things about this upcoming election. Then I read an excellent post on another blog I frequent. It is a really good post so I hope you will go HERE to read it.

I have really been baffled that so many people are willing to vote for Barack Hussein Obama. They seem to think that he is the avenue of change and that all will be good if he is elected.

This is not an angry post, just the facts (and of course my comments). There are many facts that would cause me NOT to vote for him. Today and for the next 2 days I want to focus on just a few. When I say I am baffled I really do mean it. It puzzles me so that a man such as this would get anywhere close to winning the votes of Americans. If he were in another country I might not be so surprised but this is America, right?

#1 If nothing else about this man frightens you, look at his Pastor. This is the person that he & his family would support, look up to, get counsel from, be shepherded by...isn't that the role of a pastor?

Jeremiah Wright has been Obama's pastor for more than 20 years. He married Barack and his wife Michelle & baptized Barack’s two daughters.

Here a just a FEW of the things this man has said,

“The government gives them the drugs, builds bigger prisons, passes a three-strike law and then wants us to sing ‘God Bless America.’ No, no, no, God damn America, that’s in the Bible for killing innocent people. God damn America for treating our citizens as less than human. God damn America for as long as she acts like she is God and she is supreme.” (2003)

(Would this be the same America that waits YEARS to follow through with the death penalty on even the most horrific murderers? Would this be the same America that has to build bigger prisons because the penalty for murder is not death any more? Would we need these bigger prisons if the murderers were put to death? Would we have as many murderers if people knew the real penalty for murder would actually be a quick death? We treat people less than human? Come on? Have you heard about the "rights" that prisoners have these days? Isn't it nifty that we get to pay for those so called "rights"? I would imagine that he is one of the people moaning and complaining about the death penalty. Guess, what? God is NOT against the death penalty. (Read your Bible, Pastor!)

“Racism is how this country was founded and how this country is still run!…We [in the U.S.] believe in white supremacy and black inferiority and believe it more than we believe in God.” (sermon)

Wow! It is sad that he thinks one race is superior to another and I think he really does. God made us all. None better than the others. The interesting thing is the more I hear him and others talk on this matter the more I hear them saying one race is superior. Is mine better? Is his better? I thought we were equal. That is how I feel. I guess I don't count since I am white? I know there are racist people out there and will always be. There are also people that look down on women and there will always be. People look down on others for a variety of reasons, skin color, male/female, region, nationality, religion, financial, etc. That is a common theme for mankind. By looking down on someone else they think it makes themselves better. Wise people know better. I am so tired of people looking for ways to separate us instead of bringing us together. We are ALL Americans. Let's act like it!

I don't want a president that follows this kind of person, do you? By the way, I have had the same Pastor for about 21 years. I KNOW that if he had these kinds of opinions I would know about it. There would be no way for me to deny that.

#2 His wife. This woman frightens me. There are many things I could say about her. However, I will limit my comments to one quote.

“For the first time in my adult life, I am proud of my country,” she told a Milwaukee crowd today, “because it feels like hope is making a comeback.”

For the first time in her adult life she is proud of her country so she has NOT been proud of it for a long time. That is the idea here. She wasn't proud of her country when she was able to go from being the child of a city water employee and secretary to going to Princeton or Harvard Law School? That ability is not even available in some countries. Wasn't she proud of her country when her husband became a Senator? I would have been proud of my husband AND my country at that moment in time. There are many times in my life that I have been proud of my country. What about the TONS of money that our country sends to other countries? She isn't proud of all the aid that our country gives to other countries?

Since this post could get really long I am dividing it into 3 parts. Come back tomorrow for part 2.

I could make a list much bigger but I am trying to limit myself to 7.
If you watched the Obama show last night be sure to check out this post over at Nice Deb...well, even if you didn't check it out anyway because it is funny!

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