Thursday, October 16, 2008

Joe '08 ???

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I try not to go on and on about political stuff. I know there is a lot of information already out there. However, I am concerned that a lot of Moms are not accessing this information. I believe it is imperative that we stay informed. I know our lives are busy with the children and other family things going on. That doesn't mean we get an 18+ year pass not to be involved in what is going on in our country. By the time we are done raising our children will we even recognize this country? Let's get involved, stay involved, and get informed about our world and our country. We live in a time that we can not afford the luxury of putting our head in the sand.

The most recent thing to make me angry is the 'Joe The Plumber' discussion. I heard about it this morning on the radio. I am sure it will be on talk radio all day it should be. If you haven't seen the warning signs about Barack Hussein Obama before now, this really should do it for you.

If you haven't heard about it I am going to give it to you in a nutshell. "Joe The Plumber" as they are now calling him told Barack Hussein Obama that his tax plan will hurt him when he tries to buy a company. This is a company that he has worked 12 hour days for years. His words were, "Your new tax plan's going to tax me more, isn't it?" (Joe is a smart guy and has been paying attention. Go Joe!)

His answer should frighten you or at least make you angry that so many in our country are willing to vote for this man.

"It's not that I want to punish your success. I just want to make sure that everybody who is behind you, that they've got a chance at success, too. I think when we spread the wealth around, it's good for everybody."

Get your t-shirt here!
Spread the wealth? Most of us that do NOT want this guy as the leader of our nation have realized he would love to turn this nation into a Socialist country. This just can't happen. Every time he talks I don't understand why there are still people that want him to be the President. This is the latest and most amazing thing he has said. Who (of those that plan to vote for him) would like for him to have his hands in their finances? Who wants him to determine how much money you can make and where your money should go. I want to talk to those people. If they are fine with that I say let me do that job for you. I have a lot of good causes at home and elsewhere. I could really use their money. Give it to me, trust me. I will spend it wisely and let you have what I think you need to keep.
Come on, spread the wealth on over to ME!
Click here to read more about it and more here too.

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