Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Hope & Rainbows!

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Don't give up hope!

After the election there has been much sadness and fear. These are emotions that a lot of people are fighting. No matter who is elected we have to remember HE is still on the throne.

HOPE is the one word that has been used a lot during the campaign. Funny how at this time that is what a lot of us are really needing to focus on. My HOPE is in something much greater than any candidate or man on this earth. Our hope has to be in God.

There is no president or king higher than OUR King. Jesus Christ is above them all. There is a great temptation at this time to lose hope and be depressed but we can't do that.

As my husband left for work today I could see the discouragement & frustration in his eyes. I could see how concerned he was. As he walked out the door I said, "HE is still on the throne".

He called me a few minutes ago. He said that he wanted to tell me he was standing outside looking at a full rainbow. A FULL rainbow (not just part of one) he said more than once. I said, that sounds beautiful. He thought I would want to know. That rainbow meant a lot to him. As he hung up the phone he said to me, God is still on the throne.

Thank you God for sending us encouragement and even visible signs that you are still there. Thank you for the reminder that we can still trust in YOUR promises and put our hope in YOU.

Today I challenge you to look for the rainbows! Ask God to show them to you.

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Come back and post the rainbows you see today in the comments below.

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