Friday, October 31, 2008

My Top 7 Biggest Concerns...Part 2

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My Top 7 Biggest Concerns Regarding A Candidate Part 2

(This is a continuation from yesterday, click here to read Part 1)

“A government big enough to give you everything you want, is big enough to take away everything you have.”—Thomas Jefferson

#3 Have you heard about Bill Ayers?

The information in red came from here.

There has been a sudden spate of blog items and newspaper articles, mainly in the British press, linking Barack Obama to a former member of the radical Weather Underground Organization that claimed responsibility for a dozen bombings between 1970 and 1974. The former Weatherman, William Ayers, now holds the position of distinguished professor of education at the University of Illinois-Chicago. Although never convicted of any crime, he told the New York Times in September 2001, "I don't regret setting bombs...I feel we didn't do enough."

Um, does anything really need to be said about this? I am sorry, but there isn't anyone in my life that set bombs and said many years later that they didn't regret it! I would have thought this would certainly do this candidate in. How can it be that it didn't? What would have happened if this same fact had been discovered about President Bush or John McCain? Can you even imagine the news coverage on this one?

Apparently, the Obama camp doesn't want us to worry about this little tid bit. He was only 8 years old when Bill Ayers was active. I guess that makes it ok somehow? I have also heard that his argument is that he thought Bill Ayers was "rehabilitated". I am so curious about what made him think that. Was it because he asked him? I seriously doubt that. Maybe he thought he was rehabilitated because he is now a "distinguished professor of education at the University of Illinois-Chicago".

(Side note: Does this frighten anyone else about our colleges???)

To get more information on this guy click here. It will shock you. Maybe, he doesn't really care but saying he thought he was rehabilitated would make this acceptable.

#4 Joe Biden. Gee, so much could be said about this guy. I will try to keep it short. The first thing that comes to mind is that there is footage of Biden himself saying Obama didn’t have enough experience to land in the White House. Now, he supports him 100%? How is that possible? Has he changed his mind or is the temptation of being Vice President just too great. Biden has put his foot in his mouth so many times. Over and over again. Makes me worried about his interaction with the heads of other countries. Could his comments alone start another war? Ugh!

One thing he said that I do agree with is the following. Biden said in a campaign ad, “When this campaign is over, political slogans like ‘experience’ and ‘change’ will mean absolutely nothing. The next president has to act.” All this talk of change is not helpful if the change we are going to get hurts America. If that change means socialism, I don't want it.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

My Top 7 Biggest Concerns....Part 1

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My Top 7 Biggest Concerns Regarding A Candidate Part 1

“A government big enough to give you everything you want, is big enough to take away everything you have.”—Thomas Jefferson

One of my goals on this blog is to help Moms be informed. I believe a lot of Moms get busy with their jobs, homes, families, husbands, etc. I think that it is easy to just avoid other things that are going on in the world and especially in our country. It is not a purposeful thing but it sometimes just accidentally happens. Because of that I am going to step into some political stuff from time to time. I sure hope I don't offend but that certainly is a risk you take when discussing politics.

I have been mulling around several things about this upcoming election. Then I read an excellent post on another blog I frequent. It is a really good post so I hope you will go HERE to read it.

I have really been baffled that so many people are willing to vote for Barack Hussein Obama. They seem to think that he is the avenue of change and that all will be good if he is elected.

This is not an angry post, just the facts (and of course my comments). There are many facts that would cause me NOT to vote for him. Today and for the next 2 days I want to focus on just a few. When I say I am baffled I really do mean it. It puzzles me so that a man such as this would get anywhere close to winning the votes of Americans. If he were in another country I might not be so surprised but this is America, right?

#1 If nothing else about this man frightens you, look at his Pastor. This is the person that he & his family would support, look up to, get counsel from, be shepherded by...isn't that the role of a pastor?

Jeremiah Wright has been Obama's pastor for more than 20 years. He married Barack and his wife Michelle & baptized Barack’s two daughters.

Here a just a FEW of the things this man has said,

“The government gives them the drugs, builds bigger prisons, passes a three-strike law and then wants us to sing ‘God Bless America.’ No, no, no, God damn America, that’s in the Bible for killing innocent people. God damn America for treating our citizens as less than human. God damn America for as long as she acts like she is God and she is supreme.” (2003)

(Would this be the same America that waits YEARS to follow through with the death penalty on even the most horrific murderers? Would this be the same America that has to build bigger prisons because the penalty for murder is not death any more? Would we need these bigger prisons if the murderers were put to death? Would we have as many murderers if people knew the real penalty for murder would actually be a quick death? We treat people less than human? Come on? Have you heard about the "rights" that prisoners have these days? Isn't it nifty that we get to pay for those so called "rights"? I would imagine that he is one of the people moaning and complaining about the death penalty. Guess, what? God is NOT against the death penalty. (Read your Bible, Pastor!)

“Racism is how this country was founded and how this country is still run!…We [in the U.S.] believe in white supremacy and black inferiority and believe it more than we believe in God.” (sermon)

Wow! It is sad that he thinks one race is superior to another and I think he really does. God made us all. None better than the others. The interesting thing is the more I hear him and others talk on this matter the more I hear them saying one race is superior. Is mine better? Is his better? I thought we were equal. That is how I feel. I guess I don't count since I am white? I know there are racist people out there and will always be. There are also people that look down on women and there will always be. People look down on others for a variety of reasons, skin color, male/female, region, nationality, religion, financial, etc. That is a common theme for mankind. By looking down on someone else they think it makes themselves better. Wise people know better. I am so tired of people looking for ways to separate us instead of bringing us together. We are ALL Americans. Let's act like it!

I don't want a president that follows this kind of person, do you? By the way, I have had the same Pastor for about 21 years. I KNOW that if he had these kinds of opinions I would know about it. There would be no way for me to deny that.

#2 His wife. This woman frightens me. There are many things I could say about her. However, I will limit my comments to one quote.

“For the first time in my adult life, I am proud of my country,” she told a Milwaukee crowd today, “because it feels like hope is making a comeback.”

For the first time in her adult life she is proud of her country so she has NOT been proud of it for a long time. That is the idea here. She wasn't proud of her country when she was able to go from being the child of a city water employee and secretary to going to Princeton or Harvard Law School? That ability is not even available in some countries. Wasn't she proud of her country when her husband became a Senator? I would have been proud of my husband AND my country at that moment in time. There are many times in my life that I have been proud of my country. What about the TONS of money that our country sends to other countries? She isn't proud of all the aid that our country gives to other countries?

Since this post could get really long I am dividing it into 3 parts. Come back tomorrow for part 2.

I could make a list much bigger but I am trying to limit myself to 7.
If you watched the Obama show last night be sure to check out this post over at Nice Deb...well, even if you didn't check it out anyway because it is funny!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

This November...

I just got this from a friend this morning (Thanks Christy!) and had to share it. This is a great video. Even if you are not Catholic you can appreciate it. Please watch it. Post your comments below.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Number 18

My oldest daughter turned 18 yesterday so the number 18 is pretty significant right now. Rather than going on about it I am posting a video for me and all the other Moms with children growing up. Enjoy.
Happy 18th Birthday Daughter!

Coupon Crazy!

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I am going coupon crazy over here. A friend taught a class in my homeschool support group about all you can do (and save) with coupons. I missed the class. Since that time, my friend, (thanks Kristi!) has been helping me get started.

These were my goals.

Goal #1 Get a bunch of coupons.

Goal #2 Organize that bunch of coupons

Goal #3 Try to make the most out of using that bunch of coupons.
(This last one is taking some time!)

Well, I got organized and have done a lot of research. I have had some success too. Now I am discovering there is a whole "coupon world" out there. Have you ever noticed when you get interested in an area you find a whole group of people that you didn't even know existed? That happened when Michale got his "Happy 30th Birthday You Get To Jump Out of an Airplane" gift. Turns out there is a whole community of people, skydivers. Each community has there own wording and things like that. The rest of us never find out about it until somehow we step into that community for a bit. Well couponing (is that even a word?) is the same thing. There are blogs on top of blogs and websites on top of websites completely on the topic of couponing. These people are saving LOTS of money too.

Now that I am a newbie in this little world I am going to post some coupon web sites on the side of my blog. If you are interested check them out.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Joe '08 ???

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I try not to go on and on about political stuff. I know there is a lot of information already out there. However, I am concerned that a lot of Moms are not accessing this information. I believe it is imperative that we stay informed. I know our lives are busy with the children and other family things going on. That doesn't mean we get an 18+ year pass not to be involved in what is going on in our country. By the time we are done raising our children will we even recognize this country? Let's get involved, stay involved, and get informed about our world and our country. We live in a time that we can not afford the luxury of putting our head in the sand.

The most recent thing to make me angry is the 'Joe The Plumber' discussion. I heard about it this morning on the radio. I am sure it will be on talk radio all day it should be. If you haven't seen the warning signs about Barack Hussein Obama before now, this really should do it for you.

If you haven't heard about it I am going to give it to you in a nutshell. "Joe The Plumber" as they are now calling him told Barack Hussein Obama that his tax plan will hurt him when he tries to buy a company. This is a company that he has worked 12 hour days for years. His words were, "Your new tax plan's going to tax me more, isn't it?" (Joe is a smart guy and has been paying attention. Go Joe!)

His answer should frighten you or at least make you angry that so many in our country are willing to vote for this man.

"It's not that I want to punish your success. I just want to make sure that everybody who is behind you, that they've got a chance at success, too. I think when we spread the wealth around, it's good for everybody."

Get your t-shirt here!
Spread the wealth? Most of us that do NOT want this guy as the leader of our nation have realized he would love to turn this nation into a Socialist country. This just can't happen. Every time he talks I don't understand why there are still people that want him to be the President. This is the latest and most amazing thing he has said. Who (of those that plan to vote for him) would like for him to have his hands in their finances? Who wants him to determine how much money you can make and where your money should go. I want to talk to those people. If they are fine with that I say let me do that job for you. I have a lot of good causes at home and elsewhere. I could really use their money. Give it to me, trust me. I will spend it wisely and let you have what I think you need to keep.
Come on, spread the wealth on over to ME!
Click here to read more about it and more here too.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

70 Days Til Christmas! Oh my!

Can you believe it? It is time to start thinking and planning for Christmas. I got an email today from a company that had this announcement in it. I was thinking about Thanksgiving coming up and they have to slap me in the face with this reality? Geesh, only 70 days. It is coming up quickly.
I thought I would give you a few links I have in my favorites.
Click here for 63 Gift Ideas Under $10

Click here for a big list of Christmas movies.

Click here for Christmas organizing.

Click here for some coloring pages.
I am trying to get myself ready for Christmas, can you tell?

Friday, October 10, 2008


Speaking of movies....I have been hearing about another great movie called Fireproof. Under the title it says , "Never Leave Your Partner Behind".
You can go to the website and watch the trailer or watch it below. It looks really good. Click here. If you are tired of all the immoral movies then you will want to see this one. When you do leave a comment letting us know what you thought.

Click here to see how great this movie is doing.

On their blog they have listed 12 reasons to go see this movie. I am listing a few.

We believe in the mission of the producers, who are trying to influence the culture positively from a Christian perspective through mainstream media.

Fireproof reaffirms the sacred institution of marriage in a culture plagued by divorce.

The movie strongly advocates faith, family, and Christian values.

It dramatically displays the power of forgiveness

Fireproof reminds us that no situation is too desperate for God to redeem—that with God, all things are possible.

Any movie that has in its credits a "prayer coordinator," you should see.

I love this short interview with the star of the show. Click here and find out the little secret Kirk Cameron did regarding "the kiss" in the movie. Amazing and beautiful.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

An American Carol

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I am really excited. The movie is finally in theaters. It kind of snuck up on me since it came out on the 3rd. Has anyone seen it yet? I am talking about "An American Carol". For more information about it click here. You can watch the trailer there too.

I am excited that Kelsey Grammar is in it. I really like him. It turns out he is one of the few real life CONSERVATIVE actors. Can you believe it? There are some that exist. I think we should support this movie. Those of us with conservative values need to let Hollywood and others know we are NOT in the minority. Let's show them that a movie about our great country and the people that love it will bring in the bucks! Hollywood wake up! We don't support your liberal views!

If you have seen this movie please leave a comment. I want to hear what you think. This is your chance to play movie critic.

Since I am on the topic of movies I have to talk about one that just makes my blood boil. There is a new movie out by one of my least favorite people (Bill Maher) called "Religulous". I know I need to pray for him but when I think of him I imagine him holding hands with the devil.

I encourage you to NOT see this movie.

Here is an excerpt from Roger Ebert during his review of the movie.

"Between them, they cheerfully dismiss wide swaths of what are widely thought to be Catholic teachings, including the existence of Hell. One of these priests almost dissolves in laughter as he mentions various beliefs that I, as a child, solemnly absorbed in Catholic schools. The other observes that when Italians were polled to discover who was the first person they would pray to in a crisis, Jesus placed sixth."

You can read the whole thing here.

I know if I dig into this much more I will be furious so let's go back to "An American Carol" shall we? Let's go see that movie! I hope it is GREAT!