Friday, August 1, 2008

Chaos, Out of Order?

Isn't it interesting that when one area of your life is out of balance or not in order it affects many other areas as well? I have noticed that many times in life. I heard someone comment about that when I went to college. At the time, I agreed with it half heartedly but over the years have seen it through my own experience. I have seen that if things get out of order with your housekeeping (your discipline), your relationship with God (your spirit) , your eating/health (your flesh), your organization, etc. it will affect other things. I have also seen the reverse is true. WHEN you start to get things back in order in one area it usually gets the ball rolling in the other areas too. I have been working very hard for the past 5-6 weeks on getting my weight and fitness under control. It has been out of balance for a long time. I realize now, that other areas were out of balance.

Now that I am trying to get this area of my life under control other areas are starting to line up. This is good news! I encourage you to get things in your life in order. Just pick one area and see if it doesn't have an affect on the other areas in your life.

I suppose it should not be a surprise though. God is a God of order and not of chaos. If you doubt that just look around you or even look AT you in the mirror. Just the way our human body is put together shows that God is order. Everything has a place and in order for it to work correctly it has to be in the proper place. An eye wouldn't work very well on the bottom of the foot. An ear wouldn't work too well inside of your stomach. Order....that is the theme of today. Get your life in order and out of chaos. You will feel so much better!

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