Monday, June 30, 2008

Off To The Gym!

Image Source

Off to the gym tonight! (I really just wanted to say that because it makes me feel SO athletic and strong!)

Did you notice how good I look on that treadmill? OK, you don't really believe it is me do you? It's because of the hair right?

Well, I am just so proud of my self that I had to share it with you. I started going BACK to the gym. Yes, I started, then took a break, and now am starting again. I went 3 days last week and plan to go again tonight. I walked for 25 minutes last week and am thinking of going up to 30 minutes tonight. I know what you are thinking. Are you sure you want to add that extra 5 whole minutes. When you have been off the exercise treadmill (so to speak) for a long time you have to get back on carefully. You don't want to strain or sprain anything.

In honor of my new fitness/weight loss goals I have some exercise funnies to share with you. I thought they were pretty good! What do you think???

I have to walk early in the morning,
before my brain figures out what I'm doing..

I joined a health club last year,
spent about 400 bucks.
Haven't lost a pound.
Apparently you have to go there.

The advantage of exercising every day
is so when you die, they'll say,
'Well, she looks good doesn't she.'

Image Source

Friday, June 27, 2008

Pass The Duct Tape

After reading the following I realize I am going to need duct tape to keep my head from exploding (thanks Glenn Beck) or the government may want to use it over our mouths at this point. This is so wrong. Anything in red, I added for emphasis. I am not trying to get on a rant or complain uncontrollably but come on.
This is important!
Gay Rights Trump Religious Liberty

Last week, Americans were subjected to news reports and television stories showing activists celebrating the overturning of California’s marriage laws. This was the result of a single judge declaring the common sense definition of marriage to now be a form of “bigotry” in California.

Now the assault on the legal status of marriage and the family in America is spreading to New York and other states. At first glance, this may not seem to concern you. But you should be concerned if you care that Americans are losing their basic civil rights.

For the first time in our history, America is are faced with a powerful movement that defines its alleged "rights" in terms of the deprivation of the fundamental rights of others. As a result, this movement is depriving other Americans of civil liberties guaranteed by the Bill of Rights, including: freedom of speech, freedom of association, and freedom of religion.

The core thrust of this movement is so obvious that even NPR is now doing stories openly declaring that “gay marriage” means the loss of rights for those disagree. Here are some recent examples taken directly from a recent NPR report:

When Gay Rights And Religious Liberties Clash
National Public Radio (Excerpt below)

Adoption services: Because the Catholic Church in Massachusetts refuses to place children with same-sex couples as required by MA gay marriage law, Catholic Charities has been forced to close its adoption program.

Housing: As a Jewish institution, Yeshiva University in NYC banned same-sex couples from its married dormitory on religious principle. New York's highest court invalidated the schools regulations as a form of unlawful discrimination..

Medical services: A gynecologist in California refused to give a lesbian patient in vitro fertilization treatment on the basis of his religious beliefs. (The doctor referred the patient to another physician.) The doctor has been sued and is likely to lose.

Wedding services: A photographer in New Mexico declined to shoot a same-sex commitment ceremony. The New Mexico Human Rights Commission fined the photographer $6,600.

Wedding facilities: A Methodist association in New Jersey refused to rent its boardwalk pavilion to a lesbian couple for their civil union ceremony. New Jersey has now revoked a portion of the group’s tax exemption after the couple sued.

Most Americans believe that gays and lesbians are free to live as they choose, but they don’t have a right to redefine marriage for our entire society. But we are living in an era when adhering to the common sense definition of marriage – for the sake of kids – is increasingly a punishable offense.

Thank you for your friendship and partnership in our efforts to protect children, families and the civil rights of all Americans.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Good News & Bad News Today

I woke up to the bad news first. Have you heard that the Supreme Court has decided that the punishment can't be disproportionate to the crime.
What they are talking about is child r*pe (or molestati*n). (Don't want to write out the words in case some crazy/nasty people are searching for that word. Don't want them checking out my blog just on this topic.) They have decided that only the crimes that involve death should be punished by death. This upsets me in so many ways. Apparently, the last time someone was actually put to death for that crime was in the 60's. I doubt that it was going to be used. However, making a ruling against it just ticks me off. The main thing of course is the trauma and life long problems this causes to children. Acting like death is a "cruel and unusual punishment" for this particular crime is so offensive. What about the victim? Wasn't the crime against the child "cruel and unusual punishment"? Of course it was but we are not concerned with the victim here, only the criminal. Ugh! I could go on for hours about this one but I will spare you.

Now for the good news. The Supreme Court (as wise at it is) has made a ruling that it is NOT unconstitutional for American citizens to be able to own guns. Wow! That is pretty big of them isn't it? I guess it took them this long to read the 2nd Amendment where it says......

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the People to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

Did you realize that in Washington DC handguns or rifles WERE outlawed except for residents with permits, mainly police or security guards? I read about it here and saw the following quote.

"Washington Mayor Adrian Fenty said the ruling could put more guns in the hands of young people. "I am personally deeply disappointed and quite frankly outraged by today's decision," he said. "Today's decision flies in the face of laws that have helped decrease gun violence in the District of Columbia."

What? Gun violence has decreased in DC? Come on. I would love to see the actual facts on that. I bet the truth is that the decrease in gun violence goes like this. Here is the scenario. Bad guy with gun enters home of law-abiding citizen (of course, law-abiding citizen does NOT have a gun). When bad guy points gun at law-abiding citizen bad guy is able to get anything and everything he wants, thank you for those jewels, money, bonds, giant screen tv's, etc. Where was the violence? Not a shot was fired. Of course not! Didn't have to shoot! Now I want to see the statistics once Mr. & Mrs. Law-Abiding Citizen are able to protect and defend themselves, their family, and their home. Until the the bad guys realize that there could be a gun pointing right back at them the crime may go up a bit. However, once they get it through their heads (or get a bullet) they will realize they are in just as much danger. It won't be worth it. (They are not the smartest bunch you know-so it could take a while.)

I can't believe the Supreme Court did something good today. Hip-hip-hooray!!

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Cultured Moms Favorite Things -Edu-Track

Time to share one of my favorite things.

I have had Edu-Track Record Keeping System for SEVERAL years! We purchased it at a homeschool convention. I don't think you need to use a lot of it until you have middle schoolers on up but you certainly can if you like. You can learn more about it here.

It is an awesome program. This applies mostly to homeschool families. However, it has something on it for chores and other things that might be useful to other families as well. I personally think every homeschool family should have this program or one like it.

Another one I have heard about many times is Homeschool Tracker. I suspect both programs are good but of course I only have experience with Edu-Track. I would advise that you have one of them. They are very useful. I can track all the school things the children do, it helps enter grades and keep track of them, tracks attendance, tracks hours, plans lessons, prints report cards, it tracks book logs, & field trips. You can print out awards, certificates, & diplomas. It has an electronic filing cabinet for you to store information in. You can make and print out chore charts (with or without pictures) and much, much, more. My favorite thing about it is that in the end it will be easy to print out a transcript for my girls. I am able to print one out now just with what my oldest has done so far.

Here is something exciting. While looking around their website I discovered you can purchase lesson plans from them for the curriculum you are using. For example, now that my oldest daughter has finished Apologia Biology I found lesson plans for it. It looks really neat. You can check that out here. The list is pretty big. I may be using this for my younger daughter.

Here is an area where the two programs are being discussed. I have only used the one program but I know many that have used the other one. The other one has a free version and then you can also upgrade for a fee. I think the free version has a lot though. I suspect many Moms will want to upgrade at some point.

In case you are interested in Home School Tracker, click here.

Friday, June 20, 2008

Don't You Love Yourself Enough?

I was so glad to see the post below. It is exactly how I feel. I don't think Americans are short on "loving ourselves".

People often say this person or that person doesn't love themselves enough to stop being a drug addict, be anorexic, be drunk, be promiscuous, etc. It doesn't really make sense if you think about it a bit more. It is because we love ourselves and our own pleasure TOO MUCH. We don't do drugs, over eat, drink too much, be anorexic, because we don't love ourselves. It always start with making ourselves feel or look better (to ourselves or others). People don't become alcoholics or drug addicts because they don't love themselves enough. They drink (or do drugs) to make them selves feel better. We want to make ourselves feel better because we already DO love ourselves. We hear, you need to love your self more. This sounds a whole lot like "you have to look our for number 1, (or take care of yourself) nobody else will".

Is this Biblical at all?


1. There is no command in Scripture to ‘love ourselves.’

- This scripture is not giving a command to ‘love thyself’ but could be translated ‘AS (you are loving) yourself.’

Honour thy father and thy mother: and, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. Matt 19:19

- The problem is we love ourselves TOO much.

2. The law was summed up in 2 commandments not 3 (which would be ‘love thyself‘).

Master, which is the great commandment in the law?
Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.
This is the first and great commandment.
And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.
On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets. Matt 22:36-40

3. We are commanded to DENY SELF, putting it to DEATH on the cross.

Then said Jesus unto his disciples, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me.
For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: and whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall find it. Matt 16:24-25

This article was found here.

I say it is time for Christians to start loving God more than themselves/their pleasure and to start loving our neighbors. Time to stop putting ourselves first (loving ourselves) and consider others.

God is so good though because putting others ahead of ourselves feels good too! What about you? Have you seen this in your life also? Please, leave a comment and let us know.

Now, if you will excuse me, I need to go see what my neighbor needs! :-)

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Lies Homeschoolers Believe

This is a great post on another blog I just found. You can go to Heart of the Matter Online to see it and a lot of other interesting posts.

They have handed over that blog temporarily, to their men and calling it "Dad Week". Love that idea as Dads have a lot of wonderful things to share too. The men have taken over and are writing some excellent posts! You really should check it out if you are a man, a dad, and especially a homeschool dad. I think all men would benefit though.

I have seen the comments on this book and now I think I need to get it. If you have beaten me to it, leave us a comment. Here it is.....

There are days where even before the school day has begun, I ask the QUESTION. You know the one. The question I venture to guess I ask weekly and some weeks, daily;

"Am I doing a good job homeschooling my children?" DEEP SIGH~

Todd mentions "those" homeschoolers, the ones who appear to be perfectly composed and peaceful. I have seen enough know that images such as those are unrealistic, but I still find myself doubting and questioning. I know the TRUTH, but I often fall victim to the LIES.

I know that I often have to fight to not "believe the lies." I know that lies in any form are destructive, but I have to tell you, sometimes I catch myself believing them. I spin my wheels for ways to DO MORE, BE MORE, SPIN THE WHEELS FASTER. It's a good thing to always be learning and looking for ways to make our homeschool "better for us," but it's when I do these things for the wrong reasons that I begin to doubt. For each of us the "lies" we believe are different, but they are lies nonetheless. I find myself falling for those lies that attack the things that I struggle with as a woman, despite our choice to homeschool.

I have always been an "over achiever." I blame it on my "first born status," but when the enemy wants to attack me, he'll go straight there. I imagine it's the same seductive voice that Eve heard in the garden. It's NEVER conspicuous, it's sneaky and subtle, but if I am not constantly aware, I'll find myself falling for it EVERY TIME.

" Come on Lori, you can do better; your kids are not getting all they need; you really don't think YOU can do this through high school, do you?" Before I even realize it, I find myself BELIEVING THE LIES that have subtly been implanted into my subconscious. I stand as Eve did, dripping with fruit juice, wondering HOW I fell for it again. And after a "bad day" I'll tell you there is JUICE everywhere.

That is how it was JUST the other day, Monday I believe. "Tough day?" my better half inquired....I could feel it, my eyes began to well up, and on came the faucets. "I just don't know, are they learning, doing, being ENOUGH?" He looked at me, square in the eye and said, "yes, you know they are, they are BECOMING the people that God wants them to be. There are going to be BAD days at work." Deep Sigh! So I wipe those tears and begin again.

I BELIEVE in homeschooling. I BELIEVE that God called me into this 4 years ago, I BELIEVE in it with all my heart. I BELIEVE it is the best situation for our family...I BELIEVE these things and I'll tell you I still get sucked into the lies at times. I DO.

After reading the rest of this you may want to read this book also. The whole post is here.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Cultured Moms Favorite Things- Money Exchange

I have found many things that really are great products. Often, I wish I could tell my friends and family about them. They don't always come up in conversation so I thought posting them here would be fun. I have thought of several things that I would like to share. Feel free to comment and share some of YOUR favorite things, deals, or helpful tips.
Love this and so should you! Do you know anything about Paypal? Well, this is just like it but free. Looks like Paypal has some competition. If you are interested in learning more click here. If you decide you want to sign up be sure to click on the link to the right of my page....scroll down just a bit. It is free to sign up and free to send money.

Speaking of money things.
I did this one also. I signed up for the HSBC savings account. The interest on this savings account is 3.50% until Aug. 15th. I signed up for this BEFORE this promotion. I have it set up to take money out of my bank account each week. I love it! I don't even think about it. While I am not thinking about it money is taken out of my banking account, added to my HSBC savings account, and has the best interest you can get. There is NO minimum deposit and no fees.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Father's Day

Just wanted to wish everyone a Happy Father's Day! Hope you had a great day Dads.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Drill Now!

To get the bumper sticker click here.
I was so excited to see this petition on my local talk radio station.
Below are some interesting facts from their web site. I really thought they were excellent points. I have been so frustrated about this lately and wished there was SOMETHING I could do. Needless to say, I signed the petition and hope many others will also.

Click here to sign.

Currently, 78% of Americans find our dependence on foreign oil to be threatening to our national security and economic prosperity, by making us vulnerable to dangerous dictatorships.

Building more oil refineries to lower the cost of gas and reduce our dependence on foreign oil is a solution found favorable by 77% of Americans.

Drilling for oil off of America’s costs is a solution found favorable by 73% of Americans, provided that proper precautions are taken to protect the environment.

It is time for an honest debate about drilling and producing in places like Alaska, our national forests, and off the coast of scenic areas. Scientists of impeccable background should help set the standards for sustaining the environment in sensitive areas, and any company entering the areas should be bonded to meet those standards.

The public should be informed about new methods of production that can meet the environmental standards, and any development should be only with those new methods.

A percentage of the revenues from resources generated in environmentally sensitive areas should be dedicated to environmental activities including biodiversity sustainment, land acquisition, and environmental cleanups in places where there are no private resources that can be used to clean up past problems.

If the above is not enough to convince you then see what Chuck Norris has to say, below.

And here is one more, click here.

Friday, June 13, 2008

They Are Still Building Outhouses?

Image & Story Source
Who knew they were still building outhouses? I don't know about you, but I assumed it was most certainly a thing of the past. Apparently, I was wrong.

I thought this was a very interesting story.

BATAVIA, Ohio — An ailing retired farmer who refused to give up his outhouse after authorities declared it to be a public nuisance finally got a new one.

Elbert "Lew" Preston, 79, stood his ground long enough for a nonprofit group to come to his aid and build him a sturdy new outhouse with a waste tank underneath.

"There she is," Preston said as he showed off the new outbuilding. "She's a lifesaver."

The wooden outhouse, with the traditional crescent moon on its door, replaces a 1960s-built version that had run afoul of public health officials in Clermont County, east of Cincinnati. While the old one was over a hole in the ground, this one sits atop a concrete base and a 1,000-gallon tank.

"It's too nice and complicated to be an outhouse," Preston said. "I call it a privy."

Elbert "Lew" Preston, 79, stood his ground long enough for a nonprofit group to come to his aid and build him a sturdy new outhouse with a waste tank underneath.

"There she is," Preston said as he showed off the new outbuilding. "She's a lifesaver."

The wooden outhouse, with the traditional crescent moon on its door, replaces a 1960s-built version that had run afoul of public health officials in Clermont County, east of Cincinnati. While the old one was over a hole in the ground, this one sits atop a concrete base and a 1,000-gallon tank.

"It's too nice and complicated to be an outhouse," Preston said. "I call it a privy."

Preston, a former trustee for Washington Township, challenged the board of health for months before seeking help from People Working Cooperatively, a nonprofit founded in 1975 that has done thousands of projects for low-income, elderly and disabled residents in southern Ohio and northern Kentucky. Past jobs have included replacing roofs and building wheelchair ramps.

This was its first outhouse project.

"That old outhouse wasn't up to code," said Steve Green, project manager for the Cincinnati-based group. A message was left Monday for Clermont County's board of health.

Preston lives near a busy shopping area and has 175 acres of potentially lucrative real estate, but didn't want to go to the expense and complications of installing a septic system. He said he can't afford repairs on his home.

"It's hard to believe someone lives that close to all those stores and still uses an outhouse," said Dave Castellini, an engineer for the city of Cincinnati who was part of a five-man volunteer team that built the new privy in one day.

Preston, who is slowed by diabetes and has colon problems and pacemaker, said he never saw the need to replace the old outhouse — which once was picked up and carried into his garden by a tornado without major damage.

"I moved it back and it was as good as new," he said. "I figured it would last me for the rest of my days."

He's certain this one will. He said the tank must be pumped out every two years, and he doubts he'll live long enough to reach that point.

Anyway, he's used an outside toilet since settling in Washington Township 40 years ago and likes the privacy of a privy.

"When you're in a house, sounds carry," Preston said. "Everybody knows your business."

What Bible Story?

Here is a fun thought/question for the day.

What Bible story would you most want to experience?

Thursday, June 12, 2008

"Porter House"

Image Source
If you were interested in the post from yesterday about mineral makeup be sure to scroll down to it again. I have added something to the bottom of that post.

I heard this story on Glenn Beck a while ago about a man named Michael La Monaco. Had to share it. I want to go to "Porter House" after hearing the following story. Of course, if my whole family goes we may each get an order of fries since they are only $9. Well, it is New York after all. You can check out the menu here.
Please, leave a comment today.

.....But I'm going to tell you who this guy is because if you're not from New York, you don't know who he is. He is known as one of the best restaurateurs in New York City. It was under his guidance that the city had one of its best and most profitable restaurants. It was Windows on the World.

Michael was at Windows on the World at the top floor of the World Trade Center on September 11th. They had to come in early. He called his whole staff in early because they had, believe it or not, they were serving a group of insurance risk management assessors. And there they were sitting on the top of the World Trade Center and they had gotten in early to prepare them breakfast. They started eating, I believe, at 9:00. So everybody was coming in. And Michael looked down at his watch and it was about 8:35. And he looks down at his watch and he had a 1:00 appointment to get his glasses checked down in the mall in the basement of the World Trade Center and he looked at his chef and he said, are we okay, is everything -- I think we're fine, right? Do you need me? And they said, no, we're good, we got it.

And he said, I'm just going to run downstairs for a couple of minutes; I'm going to see if I can get my eyeglasses adjusted now where I don't have to do it because we have another lunch thing happening and I'll do the lunch, I'll take the lunch. The guy said great. So Michael runs to the elevator, takes the elevator, gets to the basement of the World Trade Center, September 11th, now about 8:38. Walks into the Lens Crafters. He says, can you squeeze me in? Says Michael, absolutely, hang on just a sec. He's standing there for a few minutes.

All of a sudden the building shakes and he looks at the guy at Lens Crafters and said what the heck is that? And they said I don't know. The lights start to flicker a little bit. The guy says, you know what, the alarms have gone off. And they thought it had just been a construction accident or something like that and they're like, oh, jeez, not again. A couple of weeks before there had been a construction accident. An acetylene torch had blown up, killed a guy and they thought that's what happened again, a construction accident. The alarms went off. A voice said evacuate the building. A guy from Lens Crafters and Michael said, you know what, can we just take care of this real quick? Said absolutely, sit down in the chair.

Finally police come in and say get out of here, they're turning off all of the lights. Michael gets up above ground. He looks down at his cell phone, doesn't know what's happened yet. Thinks it's a construction accident. Looks at his cell phone, can't get cell service. Phones are jammed. Decides, I've got to call my wife because she knows and she's going to see it, another accident at the World Trade Center. He's freaking out. So he goes to a pay phone, he finds it several blocks away. He told me, Glenn, you have no idea what it's like to find a pay phone in this city now. He finds the pay phone across the street from the New York Stock Exchange building. He calls up his wife. She doesn't answer. He leaves a message: Honey, I'm outside. I'm across the street from the New York Stock Exchange, problem at the World Trade Center, I'm going back to work, they are good evacuating the building, I'm going to go back and try to get everybody out.

He starts walking back and he knows where the evacuation route is. He knows which door his staff will be coming out of eventually. He knows they are up on 106 and 107, it's going to take them forever to get downstairs. So he's making his way in that direction when he hears the second plane whiz by. That's when he realized there was real trouble.

Michael never made it back to the exit door of the World Trade Center. The building collapsed. Everybody he knew, his business, all of his friends, his clients. He had a packed restaurant of risk assessment, he had a convention of risk assessment managers sitting in his restaurant when the buildings came down.

A lot of people might move from New York City. A lot of people might build their restaurant on the ground floor from thereon out. A lot of people might give up. Mike didn't. He started over again. And he built his restaurant in the only other new twin towers in New York City. In fact, the towers that they were afraid Rudy Giuliani said might not be finished being built because of 9/11. On 9/11 the twin towers on Central Park weren't finished yet. When they were, Michael decided to put his restaurant there, Porter House. And he started over. In the new twin towers in New York. Another landmark for Michael La Monaco.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Cultured Moms Favorite Things-Mineral Makeup

Image Source
I have found many things that really are great products. Often, I wish I could tell my friends and family about them. They don't always come up in conversation so I thought posting them here would be fun. I have thought of several things that I would like to share.

Today I want to share about a great product for women!

( Although these things work for me I do realize it is possible they won't work for everyone. I am going to share anyway and hope that it will help you as well.)

#1 on my list right now is my new make-up/foundation. It took me a while but I have finally jumped on the Mineral Foundation band wagon. I have been using Revlon's for a while and have been very happy with it. However, I started doing some research and found a mineral foundation product that has only 4 ingredients AND it is affordable! Who knew? I remember watching those Bare Escentuals Mineral makeup commercials many years ago and wishing I could afford it. No way, wasn't going to happen. When I did my research I discovered people are comparing my new Everyday Minerals make up to Bare Escentuals Makeup...only cheaper.

What is really neat is that you can get a sample kit. It lets YOU choose 3 foundations to try as well as 2 other products. They are small samples but I have been using mine for SEVERAL days now. It says they last 3-6 days but I think it is longer. You can chose matte, semi-matte, intensive and original-glo. I think this is especially good for people with oily or combination skin. However, I believe this would work well for all skin types. I feel like my skin looks so much better. I purchased a concealer but the makeup is so good I don't always need it. I have done little experiments on myself. I put the foundation on half my face (without the concealer) just to compare. It was very obvious what side had make up. It was also very obvious my skin looked great! If I had the nerve I would show you the results. Hmmm, will have to think about that.

I discovered that there is even a Mineral Makeup Blog. Imagine that, an entire blog devoted to mineral makeup? That is an indication that a lot of people are really happy with mineral makeup. I enjoyed the post entitled Because of Mineral Makeup I.... and I found several tips on the Best of

While doing a bit of research regarding mineral make-up I found this excellent idea.

So as you can tell I am sold on mineral makeup and totally delighted with Everyday Minerals! if you decide to try it be sure to come back and leave a comment.
PS. I am adding to this post because I found something else. After hearing about Joppa from a faithful viewer of my blog (hey, why aren't the rest of you posting comments?) and doing some research I have to mention them. From the reviews that I have read it sounds like a really good product. I ordered THEIR sample/starter kit.
You get 6 things for 1 penny (and shipping of course).
2 - Foundations (Your Choice)
1 - Finishing Silk (Your Choice)
2 - Blush/Bronzers (Your Choice)
1 - Concealer (Your Choice)
It says it is for a limited time only.
You can also add other samples for .75 each. I ordered the kit above and 3 eye shadows. My total was 6.86. If the samples are like what I got from Everyday Minerals they will last a while. The eyeshadow looks like it will last a REALLY long time.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

He May Not Be An Honest Broker?

(Although this photo may look scary do not worry. The Polar Bears are NOT endangered. There are more of them now than there used to be!)

Ahh, more interesting, informative, and entertaining comments from my favorite talk show host, Glenn Beck. If you have never listened to him on the radio or seen him on TV you must give him a try. Even if at first you don't think you like him..hang in there. More than likely you will change your mind. Also, realize he is pretty sarcastic so you have to be careful how you interpret his comments.

On with the post....

Al Gore has been parading around the world (in his carbon guzzling private jet) telling the horrors of not acting on global warming.

Turns out he may not be an honest broker on the issue (gasp--get right on out of here!).

What motivation would Mr. Gore have?


Turns out he has huge stakes in companies that are the largest owners of carbon credits.

Yep, Gore stands to make a bajillion gazillion dollars if this cap and trade stuff goes through.

But he just wants to save the environment! Riiiiight.

And he invented the internet, too.

Too read more go to

Also, here is an interesting video from the Glenn Beck TV show regarding that precious cap & trade stuff.

Watch: Inhofe Talks About the Devastating Impacts of the Climate Tax Bill on American Families and Workers with Glenn Beck

Has common sense moved out of this country or what???

(I love Inhofe by the way. I also think he sounds a lot like my Uncle Loyd! Of course, I love my Uncle so Inhofe is awesome! )

I want to keep an eye on this web site. I am putting the US Senate Committee on Environment & Public Works in my links on the right side of the page.

Monday, June 9, 2008

Amazing Grace

God has really been showing me HIS Amazing Grace in the last several months. I just saw this video and had to share it. It really moved me and reminded me once again it isn't about us or what we have done. It is ALL about HIM. How have you seen HIS amazing grace in your life?

What is your cardboard testimony?

This reminds me of this song. You have to listen to it and then.... imagine.

Friday, June 6, 2008

What's Wrong With Being A Nice Guy?

I thought this was a very interesting article. My husband has often commented on the "Oprah-ization" of America. I think that could have been added to this article. What do you think?

In an age of suicide bombers, contaminated mail, road rage and rampant rudeness, it seems the last thing we should worry about is an epidemic of overniceness.

But while America slumbers, says Federal Way therapist Robert Glover, an alarming number of men -- maybe 1 in 4 -- are morphing into wimps who live to please and end up pleasing no one.
"I think since World War II, Nice Guys have just proliferated
," says Glover, 46, whose focus on "Nice Guy Syndrome" has spawned a best-selling e-book, a growing caseload and a global online community of "recovering Nice Guys."

"Now I'm seeing second- and third-generation Nice Guys coming along," says Glover, who acknowledges he has no hard data beyond clinical observation of a trait he has sought treatment for himself.

His concern is not with generic niceness but a specific constellation of traits such as passivity, conflict avoidance and emotional caretaking that in the past were more commonly associated with women.

Response to Glover's weekly "Nice Guy therapy groups" is so strong, he's about to launch a fourth concurrent group at his Center for Healing and Recovery. Also in the works is an intensive summer workshop he hopes to turn into a global series of events.

But his largest audience is at, where he runs an online support group of about 100 members, fields e-mails from around the world and markets his book, "No More Mr. Nice Guy!"

With business so good, Glover theorizes -- debatably-- that he has hit upon a problem for our times. Wading further into roiling waters, he blames Nice-Guyism on an array of 20th-century social change.

His list of causes responsible for creating Nice Guys -- inclusive enough to rile nearly every interest -- includes absent fathers, the anti-war movement of the Vietnam era, the sexual revolution, an educational system that he claims is "dominated by women" and "women's liberation and feminism."

The end result, he argues, is that a lot of male baby boomers and Gen-Xers grew up adopting "a female perspective on masculinity."

For the rest of this article click here.
Care to comment?

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Why No Comment My Dears?

Oh my dear readers, we're having that talk again. I put my post up and told you I would comment the next day (after you). What happened?

You are coming over to my little corner of the internet each day (amazing!) but why no comment my dears? It's like I'm in high-school and no-one will sign my year book. I am so sad today.

So the moral of this post, is to PLEASE leave me a comment!

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

The Answer Is...

Above is a tombstone I think my oldest is considering. I am not the only one that is sad she is growing up. So is she! She is a bit nervous about life after high school, college, etc.
Say a prayer for her please.

The question yesterday was this.

"Besides your name and pertinent dates, what would you want written on your tombstone? "

You were supposed to comment. Did you?
If not, leave a comment below. I promised you my answer.

My answer is:
She lived well, laughed often, and loved much

I love that saying!

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Thought For Today

Besides your name and pertinent dates, what would you want written on your tombstone?

To lighten the mood here, I have included some funny (but fake) tombstones. Everyone comment with your answer and tomorrow I will add my answer.
You can click here and make up your own.

For more interesting/entertaining (and real) tombstones click here.

(I will not be right back after this message.)

Monday, June 2, 2008

Motherhood Too Hard?

Proud Mommy Comments
Proud Mommy Comments

I read the following story a few days ago.....

When we were going around the world we stopped one day at Thursday Island, and there I heard a sorrowful tale. There is much leprosy on the other side of the world, especially in the tropics. One day, not far from Thursday Island, it was found that a little boy and girl belonging to a good home were lepers. The laws are very strict, and while the wealth of the father of the children was great, it was decided that the family should live alone on another island. The mother stole away with the children and was lost in Sidney for two years, until, strange to say, her children were admitted to the schools. Then the law found them again and they were taken back to the vicinity of Thursday Island, and the law began its operation. The children were separated from the family and sent to the leper island. But how did they become lepers? How? The mother, with her love of social position, thought the cares of motherhood too heavy, so she had a South Sea Island woman to care for her children, and she was leprous.

This was the story, and when I heard it and saw what a harvest had come to that woman for the seeds she had sown, I could not withhold my tears. It is hard to sin when sin hurts yourself and tosses you on your bed so that you cannot sleep, and you say: Will the morning never come? But it is harder still to sin and to hurt one's wife and children, or other dear ones. Be not deceived. God is not mocked. For whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.

The man that spoke the above lived from 1859-1918. His name was Wilbur Chapman. He was an American evangelist, revivalist and pastor. He wrote the words to the hymns One Day, Jesus! What A Friend for Sinners (Our Great Saviour) and 'Tis Jesus.

I am surprised at how much of this sermon applies to today. I have never been able to put my finger on it but this explains it perfectly. I see so many woman today that think the cares of motherhood are too heavy. Other things are more important to them. Usually, it is money but it can also be time, activities, social status, or other people. It breaks my heart to see the mother that misses out on all the blessings her children have to offer. They miss out on all the love that comes so naturally from a child to it's mother.

Of course, the child misses out on so much as well. What life experiences can Mother teach her children? What lessons has Mother learned that she can spare her children from? How will they know? Who will teach them these things? Who will teach them about giving unselfishly to others? Who will teach them manners and what is appropriate? Who will teach them that it truly is more blessed to give than to receive? Who will teach them right from wrong? Who will teach them why we do the things we do or why we shouldn't do the things we do? Who will take the time? Who cares about your children more than you do? There isn't anyone on this planet that cares more about your children than you, dear Mother. You are it. It you don't have the time or the concern no one else will. Your children rely on you. They count on you and trust in you. Even when we, as Mothers, do not deserve it they are still loving us and looking up to us.

In our society it is a terrible cycle. The burden of motherhood is too heavy to many. The mother is too busy with church activities, or is busy with social activities, is just too busy. She wants her social life, her job, or something else more than she desires to be a good mother. However, when she is with the child she feels guilty. She often withholds affection (saving her affections for other things or other people) and lavishes things upon the child (toys, clothes, gifts, candy, etc.) because of her guilt. Later, as the child grows she has not spent the time to teach and train the child. The child then becomes difficult, rebellious, or worse. The child often becomes resentful towards the mother and demanding. Often, the child becomes what the parent has created in selfishness, materialism, and total rebellion. Of course, the child is selfish and materialistic. Mother taught them that loves is shown through things. When you feel unhappy here is a new toy, some candy, or a new outfit. Of course, the child is rebellious. As you were busy you felt too much guilt to discipline when you were around the child. How can you discipline and cause any sadness in the life of your child when you have given nothing else? You haven't given love, affection, or time and now you are going to give discipline? As the love, affection, and time go so will the discipline.
Then the mother does not like the child. Sadly, she is the one that created the child the way it is. I hate seeing this but I am seeing it more and more.
There is no respect and honor given to mothers in a lot of cases. Mothers are often seen as "only mothers". Without a career and/or social standing being a mother is not seen as enough. How sad for the children. How sad for the Mother.
Being a Mother is not just giving birth. It is a life time commitment. With such a long commitment comes life long rewards though.
The generation I grew up in was the generation where divorce was starting to happen a lot more often. Once the parents were divorced Mother had to go to work full time. That started the generation of latch-key kids. This was the beginning of the generation of kids that came home to empty houses and often left for school without a hug or kiss from Mom. Breakfast from Mom? Who had time for that? I guess these girls grew up thinking that was normal. It is no big deal to not have Mom at home, right? Now those girls are Mothers. It seems that most homes are empty when the children come home or they are with babysitters all day or in school. At the end of the day Mother is tired. The sacrifice is too great. Mother just wants to rest and not deal with an unruly child.
When does Mother love, nurture, teach, and train her little darlings?

Dear Mothers listen to me. Motherhood is not too hard. Giving of yourself to your children and your family is not a burden too difficult. Yes, you give and you can grow weary. Like all other things in life that kind of giving is really worth it though. You can't give more than you will get. No other creature on earth will love and adore you unconditionally. Eventually, they will see your faults but they will also see your love. Don't let someone else raise your children. Don't lose your very own children to this world. Give them them the time and the love they need.
When you die you can't take your social status or activities with you.
You can take your children with you.
The cares of motherhood are NOT too hard.
Being a mother is an honor.
Being a mother changes lives.
Being a GOOD mother changes lives in a positive way.

Proverbs 31
28 Her children rise up and call her blessed;
Her husband also, and he praises her:
29 “ Many daughters have done well,
But you excel them all.”
30 Charm is deceitful and beauty is passing,
But a woman who fears the LORD, she shall be praised.
31 Give her of the fruit of her hands,
And let her own works praise her in the gates.

To read the entire sermon, above, click here.