Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Judge Rightly

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I have heard many times from many Christians (and was guilty of this thinking myself) that we are not to judge. However, I would like you to take a look at some scriptures on this topic. There is an excellent article here that will shed some new light on that way of thinking. NO, this is not some new revelation but I am concerned that we have been misguided in our thinking on this matter. Let me know what you think. To whet your appetite here is a short excerpt

Christ kept repeating this theme in His ministry. “Hypocrites,” Jesus said, “why, even of yourselves, do you not judge what is right?” (Luke 12:56-57). Still, His own followers have mostly ignored the Lord’s harsh rebuke: “Hypocrite! First remove the plank from your own eye, and then you will see clearly to [judge, i.e., to] remove the speck out of your brother’s eye” (Mat. 7:5). “Judge Not” is the Hypocritical Oath.

and a bit more here.....

“Do you not know that the saints will judge the world? And if the world will be judged by you, are you unworthy to judge the smallest matters? Do you not know that we shall judge angels? How much more, things that pertain to this life? I say this to your shame. Is it so, that there is not a wise man among you, not even one, who will be able to judge between his brethren?”

(1 Cor. 6:2-5).

To read it all click here.

Below are a few more places that address this issue. After doing some research, leave a comment and let me know what your conclusion is now.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Police State?

The news today is all about how Obama has selected Hilary Clinton as Secretary of State. Big news right? While we are all paying attention to that something else is happening. Something so big it will amaze you. This information has been hard to find but it is there.

The concern? The headline says it all, Police State 2009: Pentagon to Militarize USA with 20,000 Armed Troops. Go here to read this article and then pray. We can't let this happen. More sources are at the Washington Post and here and here.

This is important for every American to read. If you love this country you must be informed and if you pray, it is time to get on your knees.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Thankfulness and Discouragement

Although I like to cover politics and many world events on here I want to remind everyone (including myself) that we must be careful not to get discouraged. My family is very political. We enjoy listening to talk radio and I especially enjoy reading things on the Internet regarding what is going on in our world. I want to be made aware of issues that pertain to us as Americans.

As my blog states I think a lot of people (especially Moms) get busy with life and miss out on important things. When you have children at home, especially small children your whole world can easily become just your own family. We sometimes lose sight of things that are going on outside of our four walls. If it doesn't have to do with cooking, cleaning, disciplining, and maybe reading up on a topic related to being a wife or mother we may miss it.

We live in an important time. So many things are going on every day in this country and around the world. Things are changing quickly and important decisions are being made every day. Often, these decisions are going to affect if not us directly most certainly those children we are working so hard to raise. In light of that, I encourage everyone, no matter what season of life you are in to pay attention to the world around you.

As Christians we know that we are "in the world but not of it". That is a hard balance to achieve sometimes, I know. However, we are also supposed to be a light in this dark world. The dark forces are working over time I think to make changes and do some very damaging things. It is important to be informed so that we can take action when necessary, be able to talk to friends or co-workers in an educated way on issues, and be able to vote having all the facts.

Having said all of that I want to tell you not to get discouraged and how to accomplish that. This has been something I have been learning this year and it was brought up again at church yesterday. Of course, shortly after it was brought up I had an opportunity to be discouraged. Like a kid on a warm summer day, I put my toe in the pool to get a good feel for it, just a little bit of course. Then my whole foot went in.

This morning I am remembering and trying to encourage myself. While I am at it maybe I can help you too. The secret to getting out of discouragement (or not getting into it at all) is thankfulness. It seems so simple and you may wonder how it can be that easy. I believe in most cases being discouraged is just a sign that we have taken our eyes off the things we are thankful for. We are focusing on on the things we are NOT thankful for. It happens to all of us.

When you honestly put some thought into many of the things you are thankful for it is in my opinion, impossible to be discouraged. How can you be discouraged when you are thinking of all the many wonderful things in your life? Yes, I know times are hard for a lot of people. I know that people are worried. I know that we are hearing from many voices lots of discouraging news. There are times when you do need to take yourself away for a while. Get your mind off of what the world is saying. Go to the Bible and see what God is saying. There are many promises in the Word. As that old hymn says, it really is time to "count your blessings, name them one by one, count your blessings see what God hath done".

As Thanksgiving is fast approaching I say it is time to actually write down those blessings. Get your family involved. Then on Thanksgiving Day you can read them out loud if you like. Even when it is not Thanksgiving keeping a list of things you are thankful for is a great idea. When you feel that discouragement creeping in, go get your list or make a new one. Really focus on that list and I am sure it will be a short amount of time that the discouragement is replaced by rejoicing.

I will leave you today with that great hymn. It was written well over 100 years ago but certainly applies to today. Read it for the first time or read it again with a deeper commitment to actually counting your blessings and naming them one by one.

Verse 1

When upon life's billows You are tempest tossed,
When you are discouraged Thinking all is lost,
Count your many blessings Name them one by one,
And it will surprise you What the Lord hath done.


Count your blessings Name them one by one.
Count your blessings See what God hath done.
Count your blessings Name them one by one.
Count your many blessings See what God hath done.

Verse 2

Are you ever burdened With a load of care,
Does the cross seem heavy You are called to bear.
Count your many blessings Every doubt will fly,
And you will be singing As the days go by.

Verse 3

When you look at others With their lands and gold,
Think that Christ has promised You His wealth untold.
Count your many blessings Money cannot buy,
Your reward in heaven Nor your home on high.

Verse 4

So amid the conflict Whether great or small,
Do not be discouraged God is over all.
Count your many blessings Angels will attend,
Help and comfort give you To your journey's end.

The words to the hymn above were found here.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Government In Charge of Political Balance on Radio?

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Recent polling data now suggests nearly half of Americans agree
that the GOVERNMENT SHOULD MANDATE political balance on radio
and TV airwaves!

While some American people actually believe re-instatement of
the "Censorship Doctrine" (aka the Fairness Doctrine) would
accomplish political balance, the stark reality is, in the
interest of showing both sides of a controversial issue, people
will get neither!

It's not a stretch to think that broadcasters, intimidated by
the FCC, will run from anything close to controversial. Programming
like Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, and scores of others would
vaporize because of government censorship...

..and we can't allow that to happen.

Click here right now to help:


++ Change is Coming...

You may have read recent reports (posted right here
on MRC) suggesting liberal leaders aren't terribly interested in
moving this Censorship Doctrine forward.

We're not buying it. Not for a minute. In fact, we are
fully convinced that this bolstered, heavily-muscled
liberal- controlled Congress will move quickly to censor
and ultimately silence conservative speech...

We believe this because conservative talk radio represents
the last stumbling block to liberal domination of the airwaves.

That's why we've started the Free Speech Alliance, and have made
a commitment to dedicate every possible resource at the MRC's
disposal to fighting this effort to silence the conservative voice.

We're calling on all concerned citizens to join us and make a strong
statement that we will not tolerate this blatant attempt to censor
and silence the conservative voice.

Perhaps you missed our first call to action, so please stand with
us right now by clicking here:


After signing, forward this message to 25-30 friends, and carefully
explain to them why the "Censorship Doctrine" is so dangerous.
Urge them to join the fight against it by clicking here:


Thank you in advance for your help, and for standing with the
MRC to stop these attacks on our free speech rights.

The Media Research Center is a research and education organization
operating under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.
Contributions are tax-deductible for income tax purposes.

I believe that the information above is VERY important. (I did not write this of course, it came to me in an email from The Media Research Center.) This can NOT happen. 99% of what we see on tv is unbalanced in the favor of liberals. Talk radio is all that conservatives have left. We have to fight against this. Every time I have heard "we want equal rights" it eventually has turned into for many "special rights" above every one else. (Think about extreme feminists, extreme laws for only certain races, and the radical ones in the homosexual community attacking churchse.) When they start talking about making talk radio equal or balanced it will be the same way. It will get a lot of people off the air including Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck. Those are in the top two from what I last heard. The liberals had a chance at radio and it flopped. It just wasn't good. Conservatives can do it and do it well. That is why they are a threat. Also, if this attempt is successful how long do you think it will be before they go after the Internet. I for one am going to do all I can to keep this from happening. At this point we know this attack on our freedom is coming. If we do nothing we can't say we didn't know or we didn't know how to take action.

"Talk radio tends to be one-sided. It also tends to
be dwelling in
hyperbole. It's explosive. It pushes
people to, I think, extreme views
without a lot of
information ... I'm looking at the [Fairness Doctrine]...
Unfortunately, talk radio is overwhelmingly one way."

Dianne Feinstein

"In the beginning of a change, the patriot is a scarce and brave man, hated and scorned. When his cause succeeds however, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot."

Mark Twain

Patriotism means to stand by the country. It does not mean to stand by the President."

President Theodore Roosevelt

"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."

Edmund Burke

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

More Money Saving

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I have added a few more links to the "Coupons" area over there. ---->

Last night, at my home school support group meeting one of the Moms (thanks Kristi!) shared about her marvelous savings with coupons. She had so much stuff (purchased for free or almost free) stockpiled that she gave away tons of items to us. What a blessing she was. Anyway, she gave out more information and more websites. I added a few over there and I am going to put a few more on this post. Some are not coupons just money saving things. If you have started trying to save money with coupons leave a comment and let us know how you are doing. The neat thing about this is that you can start small. I am no where near the level some people are but I have seens some great deals. I saved $15 in coupons on a recent trip to Walmart so I was pretty excited about that. Hope you find these links helpful. Here is a very interesting article on how to use coupons....click here.





Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Hope & Rainbows!

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Don't give up hope!

After the election there has been much sadness and fear. These are emotions that a lot of people are fighting. No matter who is elected we have to remember HE is still on the throne.

HOPE is the one word that has been used a lot during the campaign. Funny how at this time that is what a lot of us are really needing to focus on. My HOPE is in something much greater than any candidate or man on this earth. Our hope has to be in God.

There is no president or king higher than OUR King. Jesus Christ is above them all. There is a great temptation at this time to lose hope and be depressed but we can't do that.

As my husband left for work today I could see the discouragement & frustration in his eyes. I could see how concerned he was. As he walked out the door I said, "HE is still on the throne".

He called me a few minutes ago. He said that he wanted to tell me he was standing outside looking at a full rainbow. A FULL rainbow (not just part of one) he said more than once. I said, that sounds beautiful. He thought I would want to know. That rainbow meant a lot to him. As he hung up the phone he said to me, God is still on the throne.

Thank you God for sending us encouragement and even visible signs that you are still there. Thank you for the reminder that we can still trust in YOUR promises and put our hope in YOU.

Today I challenge you to look for the rainbows! Ask God to show them to you.

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Come back and post the rainbows you see today in the comments below.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Vote Today & A New King?

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The big day is finally here. Can you believe it? It will be over soon....one way or another.

I told my husband that I would like to go on vacation until it is over. Of course, that would be AFTER I vote. Then I want to go on a vacation where I don't hear anything about the election. I don't want to deal with the emotional roller coaster! Just give me the bottom line at the end. Just tell me who won and how close it was. That's it! I don't need a minute by minute analysis or that kind of stress in my life.
However, I am sure my curiosity is going to get the best of me. :-(

Don't forget to vote today and vote early. To get an idea of how my readers are doing, please leave a comment below after you have voted. Spread the word that you are voting!

A lot of places around here are giving away free things (coffee, chicken, donuts) if you wear your "I Voted" sticker.

I was reading my friend's blog today. Part of something she had on there really jumped out at me. The whole post is excellent but this part really stopped me in my tracks. This is part of a post regarding a black mans attitude toward Obama and why he will NOT vote for him. I am sure you will find it very interesting.

You will find her post here

In the past when the Lord brought someone with the
beliefs of Obama to lead a nation it meant one thing - judgment.

Read 1 Samuel 8 when Israel asked for a king.
First God says in 1 Samuel 1:9 “
Now listen to
them; but warn them solemnly and let them know what the king who will reign over
them will do.”

Then God says

1 Samuel 1:18 ” When that day comes, you will cry out for relief from the king you have
, and the LORD will not answer you in that day.”

19 But the people refused to listen to
Samuel. “No!” they said. “We want a king over us.

20 Then we will be like all the other
, with a king to lead us and to go out before us and fight our

21 When Samuel heard all that the people said, he
repeated it before the LORD.

22 The LORD answered, “Listen to them and give
them a king

In America, I see this king as "The King of Change" Of course, he would also be the King of Change at any cost? That is what amazes me. A lot of people have to be going against their very core beliefs and values to vote for this man. They are willing to put aside their morals on the hope of change.
What kind of change though?
That is the frightening part.

Now, hurry up and go vote!

Monday, November 3, 2008

Flu Fighting Fruit!

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Saw this article and thought it would be good to share. I see that people are getting their flu shots during this time of year so this should be good timing.

The Fruit That Fights the Flu

Once November hits, the rest of the year is a giant sprint to the Dick Clark ball-dropping finish line. Here’s the game plan for keeping healthy through it.
Start by getting a flu shot. Then, buy yourself a bag of apples and munch away. The quercetin in apples may help bolster your immune system during vulnerable times.

Boon to Immunity
Yep. Apples (and red onions, broccoli, and tea) are great sources of quercetin -- a flavonoid that may stave off the influenza virus when the body is under stress. In a recent animal study, quercetin did just that: The normal dip in immunity that comes with physical fatigue was pretty much cancelled out by the flavonoid. If it works as well in humans, quercetin could help power the body through both physical and psychological stress. (Is stress already getting the best of you? Use this tool to take the edge off.)

Talking ’Bout Disease Prevention . . .
Quercetin may not only quash the flu but also stave off health conditions like cardiovascular disease, Alzheimer’s, and pancreatic cancer. So get more quercetin with these quick and easy recipes from EatingWell:

Slip some quercetin-rich broccoli into the king of all comfort foods with Cheesy Broccoli-Potato Mash.
Give the holidays a twist with this Chunky Apple-Rhubarb Sauce with Dried Cranberries. (You’ll get loads of quercetin from the apples, apple juice, and red onion.)
Or try this quicker, healthier take on a favorite dessert: Old-Fashioned Apple-Nut Crisp.
Has the flu already gotten you? Check out the sinus-soothing ideas on this page.

RealAge Benefit: Getting 31 milligrams of flavonoids a day can make your RealAge 3.2 years younger.

This article was found at "Real Age", click here.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Friend of Planned Parenthood

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Go to Mrspsycho's Pub blog and check out this post.

Have you ever heard of Margaret Sanger's American Birth Control League? That is what eventually became what we know today as Planned Parenthood.

"Margaret Sanger spoke of sterilizing those she designated as "unfit," a plan she said would be the "salvation of American civilization.: And she also spike of those who were "irresponsible and reckless," among whom she included those " whose religious scruples prevent their exercising control over their numbers." She further contended that "there is no doubt in the minds of all thinking people that the procreation of this group should be stopped." That many Americans of African origin constituted a segment of Sanger considered "unfit" cannot be easily refuted."

That and more information on this topic can be found here.

If that isn't upsetting enough here is something that happened much more recently. This happened in March of this year. A UCLA student group made some phone calls. I guess they wanted to do an experiment and see what the reaction was from Planned Parenthood. I am sure most will be shocked.

Idaho donor: The abortion—I can give money specifically for a black baby, that would be the purpose?

PP Rep: Absolutely. If you wanted to designate that your gift be used to help an African-American woman in need, then we would certainly make sure that the gift was earmarked for that purpose.

Idaho donor: Great, because I really faced trouble with affirmative action, and I don’t want my kids to be disadvantaged against black kids. I just had a baby; I want to put it in his name.

PP Rep: Yes, absolutely.

Idaho donor: And we don’t, you know we just think, the less black kids out there the better.

PP Rep: Understandable, understandable.

Idaho donor: Right. I want to protect my son, so he can get into college

PP Rep: Alright. Excuse my hesitation, this is the first time I’ve had a donor call and make this kind of request, so I’m excited, and want to make sure I don’t leave anything out.

This information came from here also.

Your gift will be used to HELP an African-American woman in need? Are you kidding me? How awful is this? What she calls help I call murder....put that word in place of help above. It is very likely an African-American woman in the womb.

Doesn't this make the video I referenced above even more interesting? Very sad.

Regarding the cartoon above. Take it from a family that knows. There are so many people in this world that would love and cherish a baby. There are many people who can't have a baby. Please, don't abort, give the gift of life to your child and to a family that would love that baby.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

My Top 7 Biggest Concerns...Part 3

My Top 7 Biggest Concerns Regarding A Candidate Part 3

This is a continuation. To read yesterdays part 2 click here.

# 5 "Bitter Clingers". Have you heard this new phrase? This is where it came from....what do you think?

Our challenge is to get people persuaded
that we can make progress when there's not evidence of that in their daily
lives," he said. "You go into these small towns in Pennsylvania and, like a lot
of small towns in the Midwest, the jobs have been gone now for 25 years and
nothings replaced them. And they fell through the Clinton administration, and
the Bush administration, and each successive administration has said that
somehow these communities are going to regenerate and they have

"And it's not surprising then they get bitter,
they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren't like them or
anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their
frustrations." -Obama

That was certainly a slap in the face to small town people but won't he need a lot of them to win this election? Not a smart thing to say.

Click here to see some of those small town people clinging to God and their guns while being accused of being bitter.

#6 From his own mouth....spread the wealth.

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Here is the quote.

"It's not that I want to punish your success. I just want to
make sure that everybody who is behind you, that they've got a chance for
success too," Obama responded. "My attitude is that if the economy's good for
folks from the bottom up, it's gonna be good for everybody ... I think
when you spread the wealth around, it's good for

It seems like there really shouldn't be a need for coments here. However, this is another example of something said that apparently has not upset as man people as I thought it would. I assumed that MOST Americans would be gravely concerned about this. I certainly am.

#7 Birth Certificate.

This is the most recent controversy I have been hearing about. Click here for a lot more details. Here is an overview.

"HONOLULU, Hawaii – Although the legitimacy of Sen. Barack Obama's birth certificate has become a focus of intense speculation – and even several lawsuits – WND has learned that Hawaii's Gov. Linda Lingle has placed the candidate's birth certificate under seal and instructed the state's Department of Health to make sure no one in the press obtains access to the original document under any circumstances....

In a startling development, Obama's Kenyan grandmother has reportedly alleged she witnessed Obama's birth at the Coast Provincial Hospital in Mombasa, Kenya."

Friday, U.S. Federal judge Richard Barclay Surrick, a Clinton appointee, dismissed a lawsuit brought by Pennsylvania attorney Phillip J. Berg who alleged Obama was not a U.S. "natural born" citizen and therefore ineligible for the presidency under the specifications of the U.S. Constitution, under Article II, Section 1.Berg told WND last week he does not have a copy of a Kenyan birth certificate for Obama that he alleges exists. In Kenya, WND was told by government authorities that all documents concerning Obama were under seal until after the U.S. presidential election on November 4.

Does it sound like he is trying to hide something? I don't want a president that is deceptive, do you? I think we already had one of those and it was a terrible embarrassment to this nation.

In closing, yeah I know, you thought I never would. ;-)

Vote people...it is urgent.

You must get the facts and then make an educated decision. I know we have all heard before how THIS election is so important. They all are really. However, this election is going to change the way America is and has been for hundreds of years of the wrong person is elected. The America that Obama wants us to "change" into is NOT the America our founding fathers came here to establish. It is NOT the America that I want my children or grand children living in either.

If you pray, then pray too but everyone should be making an educated decision and voting in a few days.

Friday, October 31, 2008

My Top 7 Biggest Concerns...Part 2

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My Top 7 Biggest Concerns Regarding A Candidate Part 2

(This is a continuation from yesterday, click here to read Part 1)

“A government big enough to give you everything you want, is big enough to take away everything you have.”—Thomas Jefferson

#3 Have you heard about Bill Ayers?

The information in red came from here.

There has been a sudden spate of blog items and newspaper articles, mainly in the British press, linking Barack Obama to a former member of the radical Weather Underground Organization that claimed responsibility for a dozen bombings between 1970 and 1974. The former Weatherman, William Ayers, now holds the position of distinguished professor of education at the University of Illinois-Chicago. Although never convicted of any crime, he told the New York Times in September 2001, "I don't regret setting bombs...I feel we didn't do enough."

Um, does anything really need to be said about this? I am sorry, but there isn't anyone in my life that set bombs and said many years later that they didn't regret it! I would have thought this would certainly do this candidate in. How can it be that it didn't? What would have happened if this same fact had been discovered about President Bush or John McCain? Can you even imagine the news coverage on this one?

Apparently, the Obama camp doesn't want us to worry about this little tid bit. He was only 8 years old when Bill Ayers was active. I guess that makes it ok somehow? I have also heard that his argument is that he thought Bill Ayers was "rehabilitated". I am so curious about what made him think that. Was it because he asked him? I seriously doubt that. Maybe he thought he was rehabilitated because he is now a "distinguished professor of education at the University of Illinois-Chicago".

(Side note: Does this frighten anyone else about our colleges???)

To get more information on this guy click here. It will shock you. Maybe, he doesn't really care but saying he thought he was rehabilitated would make this acceptable.

#4 Joe Biden. Gee, so much could be said about this guy. I will try to keep it short. The first thing that comes to mind is that there is footage of Biden himself saying Obama didn’t have enough experience to land in the White House. Now, he supports him 100%? How is that possible? Has he changed his mind or is the temptation of being Vice President just too great. Biden has put his foot in his mouth so many times. Over and over again. Makes me worried about his interaction with the heads of other countries. Could his comments alone start another war? Ugh!

One thing he said that I do agree with is the following. Biden said in a campaign ad, “When this campaign is over, political slogans like ‘experience’ and ‘change’ will mean absolutely nothing. The next president has to act.” All this talk of change is not helpful if the change we are going to get hurts America. If that change means socialism, I don't want it.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

My Top 7 Biggest Concerns....Part 1

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My Top 7 Biggest Concerns Regarding A Candidate Part 1

“A government big enough to give you everything you want, is big enough to take away everything you have.”—Thomas Jefferson

One of my goals on this blog is to help Moms be informed. I believe a lot of Moms get busy with their jobs, homes, families, husbands, etc. I think that it is easy to just avoid other things that are going on in the world and especially in our country. It is not a purposeful thing but it sometimes just accidentally happens. Because of that I am going to step into some political stuff from time to time. I sure hope I don't offend but that certainly is a risk you take when discussing politics.

I have been mulling around several things about this upcoming election. Then I read an excellent post on another blog I frequent. It is a really good post so I hope you will go HERE to read it.

I have really been baffled that so many people are willing to vote for Barack Hussein Obama. They seem to think that he is the avenue of change and that all will be good if he is elected.

This is not an angry post, just the facts (and of course my comments). There are many facts that would cause me NOT to vote for him. Today and for the next 2 days I want to focus on just a few. When I say I am baffled I really do mean it. It puzzles me so that a man such as this would get anywhere close to winning the votes of Americans. If he were in another country I might not be so surprised but this is America, right?

#1 If nothing else about this man frightens you, look at his Pastor. This is the person that he & his family would support, look up to, get counsel from, be shepherded by...isn't that the role of a pastor?

Jeremiah Wright has been Obama's pastor for more than 20 years. He married Barack and his wife Michelle & baptized Barack’s two daughters.

Here a just a FEW of the things this man has said,

“The government gives them the drugs, builds bigger prisons, passes a three-strike law and then wants us to sing ‘God Bless America.’ No, no, no, God damn America, that’s in the Bible for killing innocent people. God damn America for treating our citizens as less than human. God damn America for as long as she acts like she is God and she is supreme.” (2003)

(Would this be the same America that waits YEARS to follow through with the death penalty on even the most horrific murderers? Would this be the same America that has to build bigger prisons because the penalty for murder is not death any more? Would we need these bigger prisons if the murderers were put to death? Would we have as many murderers if people knew the real penalty for murder would actually be a quick death? We treat people less than human? Come on? Have you heard about the "rights" that prisoners have these days? Isn't it nifty that we get to pay for those so called "rights"? I would imagine that he is one of the people moaning and complaining about the death penalty. Guess, what? God is NOT against the death penalty. (Read your Bible, Pastor!)

“Racism is how this country was founded and how this country is still run!…We [in the U.S.] believe in white supremacy and black inferiority and believe it more than we believe in God.” (sermon)

Wow! It is sad that he thinks one race is superior to another and I think he really does. God made us all. None better than the others. The interesting thing is the more I hear him and others talk on this matter the more I hear them saying one race is superior. Is mine better? Is his better? I thought we were equal. That is how I feel. I guess I don't count since I am white? I know there are racist people out there and will always be. There are also people that look down on women and there will always be. People look down on others for a variety of reasons, skin color, male/female, region, nationality, religion, financial, etc. That is a common theme for mankind. By looking down on someone else they think it makes themselves better. Wise people know better. I am so tired of people looking for ways to separate us instead of bringing us together. We are ALL Americans. Let's act like it!

I don't want a president that follows this kind of person, do you? By the way, I have had the same Pastor for about 21 years. I KNOW that if he had these kinds of opinions I would know about it. There would be no way for me to deny that.

#2 His wife. This woman frightens me. There are many things I could say about her. However, I will limit my comments to one quote.

“For the first time in my adult life, I am proud of my country,” she told a Milwaukee crowd today, “because it feels like hope is making a comeback.”

For the first time in her adult life she is proud of her country so she has NOT been proud of it for a long time. That is the idea here. She wasn't proud of her country when she was able to go from being the child of a city water employee and secretary to going to Princeton or Harvard Law School? That ability is not even available in some countries. Wasn't she proud of her country when her husband became a Senator? I would have been proud of my husband AND my country at that moment in time. There are many times in my life that I have been proud of my country. What about the TONS of money that our country sends to other countries? She isn't proud of all the aid that our country gives to other countries?

Since this post could get really long I am dividing it into 3 parts. Come back tomorrow for part 2.

I could make a list much bigger but I am trying to limit myself to 7.
If you watched the Obama show last night be sure to check out this post over at Nice Deb...well, even if you didn't check it out anyway because it is funny!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

This November...

I just got this from a friend this morning (Thanks Christy!) and had to share it. This is a great video. Even if you are not Catholic you can appreciate it. Please watch it. Post your comments below.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Number 18

My oldest daughter turned 18 yesterday so the number 18 is pretty significant right now. Rather than going on about it I am posting a video for me and all the other Moms with children growing up. Enjoy.
Happy 18th Birthday Daughter!

Coupon Crazy!

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I am going coupon crazy over here. A friend taught a class in my homeschool support group about all you can do (and save) with coupons. I missed the class. Since that time, my friend, (thanks Kristi!) has been helping me get started.

These were my goals.

Goal #1 Get a bunch of coupons.

Goal #2 Organize that bunch of coupons

Goal #3 Try to make the most out of using that bunch of coupons.
(This last one is taking some time!)

Well, I got organized and have done a lot of research. I have had some success too. Now I am discovering there is a whole "coupon world" out there. Have you ever noticed when you get interested in an area you find a whole group of people that you didn't even know existed? That happened when Michale got his "Happy 30th Birthday You Get To Jump Out of an Airplane" gift. Turns out there is a whole community of people, skydivers. Each community has there own wording and things like that. The rest of us never find out about it until somehow we step into that community for a bit. Well couponing (is that even a word?) is the same thing. There are blogs on top of blogs and websites on top of websites completely on the topic of couponing. These people are saving LOTS of money too.

Now that I am a newbie in this little world I am going to post some coupon web sites on the side of my blog. If you are interested check them out.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Joe '08 ???

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I try not to go on and on about political stuff. I know there is a lot of information already out there. However, I am concerned that a lot of Moms are not accessing this information. I believe it is imperative that we stay informed. I know our lives are busy with the children and other family things going on. That doesn't mean we get an 18+ year pass not to be involved in what is going on in our country. By the time we are done raising our children will we even recognize this country? Let's get involved, stay involved, and get informed about our world and our country. We live in a time that we can not afford the luxury of putting our head in the sand.

The most recent thing to make me angry is the 'Joe The Plumber' discussion. I heard about it this morning on the radio. I am sure it will be on talk radio all day today....as it should be. If you haven't seen the warning signs about Barack Hussein Obama before now, this really should do it for you.

If you haven't heard about it I am going to give it to you in a nutshell. "Joe The Plumber" as they are now calling him told Barack Hussein Obama that his tax plan will hurt him when he tries to buy a company. This is a company that he has worked 12 hour days for years. His words were, "Your new tax plan's going to tax me more, isn't it?" (Joe is a smart guy and has been paying attention. Go Joe!)

His answer should frighten you or at least make you angry that so many in our country are willing to vote for this man.

"It's not that I want to punish your success. I just want to make sure that everybody who is behind you, that they've got a chance at success, too. I think when we spread the wealth around, it's good for everybody."

Get your t-shirt here!
Spread the wealth? Most of us that do NOT want this guy as the leader of our nation have realized he would love to turn this nation into a Socialist country. This just can't happen. Every time he talks I don't understand why there are still people that want him to be the President. This is the latest and most amazing thing he has said. Who (of those that plan to vote for him) would like for him to have his hands in their finances? Who wants him to determine how much money you can make and where your money should go. I want to talk to those people. If they are fine with that I say let me do that job for you. I have a lot of good causes at home and elsewhere. I could really use their money. Give it to me, trust me. I will spend it wisely and let you have what I think you need to keep.
Come on, spread the wealth on over to ME!
Click here to read more about it and more here too.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

70 Days Til Christmas! Oh my!

Can you believe it? It is time to start thinking and planning for Christmas. I got an email today from a company that had this announcement in it. I was thinking about Thanksgiving coming up and they have to slap me in the face with this reality? Geesh, only 70 days. It is coming up quickly.
I thought I would give you a few links I have in my favorites.
Click here for 63 Gift Ideas Under $10

Click here for a big list of Christmas movies.

Click here for Christmas organizing.

Click here for some coloring pages.
I am trying to get myself ready for Christmas, can you tell?

Friday, October 10, 2008


Speaking of movies....I have been hearing about another great movie called Fireproof. Under the title it says , "Never Leave Your Partner Behind".
You can go to the website and watch the trailer or watch it below. It looks really good. Click here. If you are tired of all the immoral movies then you will want to see this one. When you do leave a comment letting us know what you thought.

Click here to see how great this movie is doing.

On their blog they have listed 12 reasons to go see this movie. I am listing a few.

We believe in the mission of the producers, who are trying to influence the culture positively from a Christian perspective through mainstream media.

Fireproof reaffirms the sacred institution of marriage in a culture plagued by divorce.

The movie strongly advocates faith, family, and Christian values.

It dramatically displays the power of forgiveness

Fireproof reminds us that no situation is too desperate for God to redeem—that with God, all things are possible.

Any movie that has in its credits a "prayer coordinator," you should see.

I love this short interview with the star of the show. Click here and find out the little secret Kirk Cameron did regarding "the kiss" in the movie. Amazing and beautiful.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

An American Carol

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I am really excited. The movie is finally in theaters. It kind of snuck up on me since it came out on the 3rd. Has anyone seen it yet? I am talking about "An American Carol". For more information about it click here. You can watch the trailer there too.

I am excited that Kelsey Grammar is in it. I really like him. It turns out he is one of the few real life CONSERVATIVE actors. Can you believe it? There are some that exist. I think we should support this movie. Those of us with conservative values need to let Hollywood and others know we are NOT in the minority. Let's show them that a movie about our great country and the people that love it will bring in the bucks! Hollywood wake up! We don't support your liberal views!

If you have seen this movie please leave a comment. I want to hear what you think. This is your chance to play movie critic.

Since I am on the topic of movies I have to talk about one that just makes my blood boil. There is a new movie out by one of my least favorite people (Bill Maher) called "Religulous". I know I need to pray for him but when I think of him I imagine him holding hands with the devil.

I encourage you to NOT see this movie.

Here is an excerpt from Roger Ebert during his review of the movie.

"Between them, they cheerfully dismiss wide swaths of what are widely thought to be Catholic teachings, including the existence of Hell. One of these priests almost dissolves in laughter as he mentions various beliefs that I, as a child, solemnly absorbed in Catholic schools. The other observes that when Italians were polled to discover who was the first person they would pray to in a crisis, Jesus placed sixth."

You can read the whole thing here.

I know if I dig into this much more I will be furious so let's go back to "An American Carol" shall we? Let's go see that movie! I hope it is GREAT!

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Starbucks Free Coffee For Homeschool Parents

(For something else interesting related to Starbucks click the link above.)

Isn't this a lovely thing for coffee drinkers and homeschoolers? Sadly, I am not a coffee drinker. Yes, it really makes me sad sometimes.

This coming Monday, September 29, (tomorrow) homeschool parents will be able to pick up a complimentary tall size (12 fl. oz.) cup of Pike Place Roast from Starbucks.

This promotion is part of Starbucks “Great Start for Great Teachers” promotion, and is now open to all teachers.

You will need proof that you are a homeschooler. For that information and more details click here.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Let's Hear It For Modesty!

I found this amazing post on a new blog I discovered. You MUST read it. Read it until the end. I was dumbfounded by the end. Come back here and leave me a comment. I want to know if your reaction was similar to mine or not. Let's not give up on modesty. :-)
To read it click here.
Speaking of modesty, have your heard about "Moms for Modesty"? Check it out here. I love what it says. I pasted their mission below.

Moms for Modesty Mission Statement

As a Mom for Modesty I believe in common-sense modesty for girls and young women.

I believe in refraining from sexualizing our girls and young women.

I believe that it is unwise and unfair to taunt boys and young men by permitting my daughter(s) to dress in an immodest manner.

I believe that true beauty comes from within and I strive to teach my daughter(s) this truth.

I will loyally shop at retailers that provide girls' and young womens clothing that is modest, affordable and stylish.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

12 Things

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I don't know about you but I am always striving to be a better wife and mother. I ran across a very interesting post on "Doug's Blog". This is a post for wives. Please look at it and tell me what you think. To see the whole post click here.

As a bit of a teaser I am posting the entro and #1 and #7 for you below.

Gracious ladies, enter here. Vicious man-haters, beware. Camilia Brown is in the house, and her words are health to the homemaker, but hateful to the rapacious feminist. Camilla is part of the league of gracious, responsible lady bloggers, and the following is from an article entitled “12 Things You Should Not Do To Your Husband.” Read at your own risk:

#1 DO NOT treat your husband as one of your children. You are not running the household he is. So no matter how busy you think you are or how many tasks you might have to perform at once you should not address your husband in this way: “Honey come here! Do this! Hold that! Grab this! Deal with this or that!” Now I am all for asking our husbands for help when he is available to give it, but bossing him around is not becoming to a wife. We must conduct ourselves as his help meet and not treat him as if the reverse were true.

#7 DO NOT make him feel he doesn’t measure up to your expectations. Encourage, don’t criticize and most important...be content!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Vote YES for Sarah!

This may come as a shock to you but the National Organization for Women (NOW) has officially endorsed Obama. (OK, you caught me, that was sarcasm!) You would think they would be thrilled that she could be our first female VP but that is not the case.

Please vote on this!

This literally takes ONE SECOND to do - click on "YES" if you think Sara Palin is qualified to be V.P. and show the NOW group what you think.

Simply click on the link below.

VOTE YES - National Organization for Women Poll on Palin!

Click HERE to vote and pass this on to your friends. ALL women should vote on this.

The National Organization for Women (NOW) has put a poll on the PBS
website which says, so far, that 60% of people think that Palin is not qualified
as a VP. Of course, they have sent this to all their pro-death people to vote on.

I have counter acted by giving it my YES
vote. Will you do the same?
No requirement for name, address, etc.

Update: I voted today and the tables are turning. It is NOT 60% anymore. :-)

Sunday, September 21, 2008

After you hit 30, it’s all downhill, right? Part 2

Now this girl is old but YOU are not. She was 176 yrs. old. ;-)

This is part 2 of the article from yesterday. Again, my comments are in red.

4. Clean up your diet.
You just can’t build healthy new cells by eating devitalized junk food that has a shelf life longer than your life expectancy. We all need plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, adequate protein, lots of water, sunshine, and fresh air. More fruits and veggies, more water, and more sun! All the things a growing boy or girl need. :-)

5. Take supplements.
Everyone needs at least a good daily multivitamin. Brands like Centrum aren’t worth the money. You need a pharmaceutical-grade product with good antioxidant coverage. A great deal of physical deterioration is the result of free radical damage to tissues. Antioxidants gobble up those free radicals, and help tissue in the skin and everywhere else stay pliable, flexible and healthy. This is something I think is VERY important. I have a lot to say on this subject. Not taking vitamins is like not having car insurance. You don't want to ever need it but if you do you won't be sorry. Responsible, mature people have car insurance and more kinds of insurance than that. A cheaper insurance and much more valuable is vitamins. You should at LEAST take a good multivitamin. Store brands are not that great. They have the RDA. That just means the amount that keeps you from being DEAD. It is not the amount that keeps you healthy. I personally take a multi-vitamin from the health food store, in addition to Cod Liver Oil, Cromium, extra vitamin C & E, B-150, and a few more. I also add pectin, Benefiber, and Pomegranite juice to my daily routine. I am not saying that you will have perfect health but like insurance it is something you need to have. It does help!

6. Get up and boogey!
There’s only one reason why someone automatically loses muscle mass or range of motion with age: They stop using their muscles and bodies fully. Period. Physical deterioration has very little to do with age. It has a lot to do with being sedentary. You wouldn’t expect your car to start on the first try and run well if you left it sitting out in a field for five years, then tried to drive it – would you? Of course not. It’s the same with our bodies. Those who exercise regularly can expect to add at least six to seven quality years to their lives. Walking isn’t usually enough to build the kind of muscle mass you need to keep your weight normal. You also need weight training to build and maintain bone mass. Take it from someone who hasn't been exercising much for a long time. After getting back to the gym 3 times a week I have been thrilled to see how much MORE I can do.

7. Engage in creative pursuits and schedule things to look forward to.
It’s possible to keep your mind sharp and enjoy your life without becoming an exercise or food nut. I often meet very creative people whose minds are so engaged in their work and in what they’re creating for the future that they’re saturated with life force directly from source energy. This is one of the reasons why composers such as 70-year-old John Williams seem so timeless. Their creative process is such that they’re always touching the hand of God. Their work is divinely inspired. I don't really know who this person is or if he really is touching the hand of God. However, creative pursuits are very good to have. It is important to have goals and to focus on things. Don't get in a rut doing the same thing all the time. And that rubs off on the physical body.

You don’t have to be a world-class composer to tap into source energy. Prayer will do it. And so will dance or any other creative pursuit. The key is that you have to open yourself up to being a channel for something new.

8. Go to a spa.
A spa visit can help jump-start your new, younger life. A good spa is set up with all the food, exercise, great company, and creativity built right in. So it’s natural to get inspired at a spa. I am not sure about this last one but I have never been to a spa. One day I will and maybe then I can let you know if this is helpful or not.

Remember, youth is a state of mind. You can be young at 90, and old at 15. You get to choose.

Christiane Northrup, M.D.

This article came from HERE.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

After you hit 30, it’s all downhill, right?

I personally say NO! Here is part one of a great article we should all read if we are over 30. Leave me a comment regarding your thoughts on this matter. My comments are in red.

8 Great Secrets for Growing Young

After you hit 30, it’s all downhill, right? Not true. Your physical health and your mental well-being determine your real age, not the date on your birth certificate. In acknowledgement of Healthy Aging Month, here are eight tips for feeling young no matter what your age. Plus, are you doing everything you can to boost your life expectancy?

Getting older is inevitable. But aging is not. Here are my tips for staying young at any age.

1. Forget your chronologic age.
It’s a fairly meaningless number after the age of 30. It’s your biologic age that counts. People who understand how life energy works in the body often have biologic ages 20 or more years younger than their chronologic ages.

My 80-year-old mother is a good example. A few years ago she climbed four unmarked peaks (no trails on them) in the Adirondacks – jumping over boulders and downed trees like a mountain goat. She takes no medications whatsoever. She does, however, use a wide variety of supplements daily. It’s clear my mother’s biologic age is far younger than her chronologic age. I want to be like her!

The opposite is also true. I routinely see 35-year-olds who look, act and talk like people far older. I have seen this too. Very sad. They tend to hang out with friends and family members who talk the same talk and walk the same slow walk. When I meet such a person, I know I’m seeing the aging process happening right before my eyes. Their words, thoughts and actions are all about deterioration.......

2. Getting older is inevitable.
Aging is not. The process of getting older actually begins the moment our life begins in the womb! We can’t stop it. But we can certainly influence it dramatically. Though we really don’t understand what aging is, I have some theories that have stood the test of time.

Until age 30 or so, the “springtime” energy within each of us is so strong that our bodies are very forgiving. In other words, the average 18-year-old will be able to maintain a healthy weight and have lots of energy, even if he or she eats mostly junk food, doesn’t exercise, doesn’t take nutritional supplements, smokes, drinks alcohol, and is chronically pessimistic. But the natural forgiveness that nature gifts to the young doesn’t last forever. I am pretty sad about that. Why can't it last forever???

By about age 30, our lifestyles, including our thoughts and beliefs, catch up with us. Your body will be far less forgiving than it used to be. You won’t be able to stay up all night at parties drinking alcohol, then fuel yourself with several cups of coffee the next morning and still arrive at work the next day feeling alert. You won’t be able to live on caffeine and cigarettes and still have your complexion look radiant. You won’t be able to keep working at a job you hate while having no plans for change in the future without this taking a toll on your body.

When health-robbing habits catch up with people at about the age of 30 or so, they say, “You see? It’s my age. That’s why this stuff is happening to me. It’s natural.” Nothing could be further from the truth. When we don’t take care of our bodies (including our minds, emotions and spirits) our bodies are forced to send us louder and louder signals to get our attention.

Headaches, low energy, dull skin, joint aches and pains are just a few of the many different messages our body sends us when it needs better care. Our symptoms are not signs that our bodies are somehow “turning on us.” Our bodies are actually created from our consciousness and the behavior that flows from this. This may be starting to sound a bit new agey but I think this is true in another sense. I DO believe that our words are powerful and our thoughts help shape us. These are Biblical truths. I think that is why it is SO important that we watch our words because we will eventually believe what we hear ourselves say. That’s why it’s possible to remain vital and healthy, and keep improving in many areas throughout our lives!

3. Get conscious about ageism.
We live in a culture that is drenched with ageism. We automatically assume that someone is going to deteriorate as they get older. Recently, my massage therapist told me a woman called and described herself as “old and fat.” She was only 55! This is insane – and also dangerous to our health and well-being. I agree! Saying you are OLD at 55 is not right. I don't want to hear anyone say I am old, ever. OK, well maybe when I am 75 or so. Then I won't be offended...maybe.
It’s important to catch yourself engaging in ageism. I don't call it ageism but I do call it a negative confession. I don't want to make confessions that I will eventually believe. Do you ever say that you’ve just had a “senior” moment when you forget a name or a face? If you do, stop it. NOW. I’ve forgotten occasional names for my whole life. I’ll bet you have, too. We all forget things. This needn’t increase with age. I think I have been doing stuff like that since I was in my 20's and I certainly was not old then. Then again, I can't remember when that was....just kidding.

Many women, especially during perimenopause, complain of having a “cotton head.” They can’t seem to balance their checkbook. They’re certain that they are experiencing the first stages of Alzheimer’s. This simply isn’t true. Most of the “fuzzy head” that women talk about at perimenopause isn’t aging at all. It’s your inner wisdom telling you it’s time for you to tune in to yourself more consistently. It may also be time to make sure your hormones are in the correct balance. Check out my blog Happy Girls Use Happy Cream to see if this may be something you need.

Catch yourself in the act of using your age as an excuse for not trying something. For example, “I think I’m doing pretty well, for my age.” What does that mean? Though it’s true that most 65-year-old men and women don’t engage in as much risk-taking or thrill-seeking behavior as they did when they were younger (like driving too fast with a high blood alcohol level), this is because of a wonderful quality that comes with age: wisdom. I like this quality. It is a good one.

Christiane Northrup, M.D. Excerpted with permission from The Dr. Christiane Northrup Web site.

This is the first part of a very interesting article I found. I hope you will come back tomorrow to read the rest.

If you don't want to wait for the rest of this article tomorrow click HERE.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Beethoven Number 5 or Number 9?

Geez! I had a funny experience yesterday. It felt surreal. I remember laughing during this conversation and thinking I would have never guessed that I would witness this. This was one of those "You Know You Are A Homeschooler When" moments.

I was sitting at the table with my two daughters, ages 13 and 17. My 17 yr. old loves to write. She has been working on a story for a few years now. She wants it to be published and later turned into a movie. She has done a lot of research for this book. You would be surprised at the titles of some books reserved at the library. The research that she is currently working on came in from the library yesterday. It was 2 CD's of classical music. Apparently, there is a very important scene that needs 'the perfect' music. It has to be a little bit sad and not too upbeat. She wants to say what the character is listening to during this time. The character in the story enjoys listening to classical music from time to time. I know this doesn't sound too funny, yet. I am getting to it. You need the back ground information on this one.

This is what happened. I am sitting at the table helping my 13 yr. old with some school work. My 17 yr. old comes in and sits on the other side of me. For several minutes we have been listening to Beethoven. Suddenly, like a scene from a movie I realize I am in the middle of a very passionate converstaion. My 13 yr. old is saying, "oh, no, you do NOT want Beethovens Number 5 sympony, Number 9 is much better. It has more of what you want. Number 5 is WAY too upbeat for this scene. The discussion goes on for a few minutes until I burst out laughing.

Shortly, after that there was a debate about who wrote the Sugarplum Fairy...I know the correct answer...Peter Tchaikovsky!

How funny is that? The fact that my 17 yr. old is checking classical music out at the library and then such a passionate discussion with a 13 yr. old? Surely, I have done SOMETHING right. I hope this gave you a laugh. I sure laughed about it yesterday.

Well, I am not sure what is funnier. The story above or the fact that my 13 yr. old loves country music AND classical music. She is an amazing child. :-)

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Cultured Moms Favorite Things-Pectin & Grape Juice

Some time ago, I heard from a friend about a very interesting treatment/natural remedy for arthritis and other similar pain. Thanks Jayne!

Time for another one of Cultured Moms Favorite Things.
Have you heard about Pectin and Grape Juice? Well, I had not heard of it before but apparently it is something that has been around for a long time (think 1940's). I had NO IDEA! I tried this when I hurt myself. I think I hurt my knee or something like that. It wasn't a big injury but it sure was hurting. I had been in pain when I started thinking about this idea. I figured if it helped arthritis and that is an issue with the joints maybe it would be helpful to me. I feel very confidant that it DOES help a lot. I did several experiments and my confidence only grew. After having a good deal of success I did some more research. I discovered that this was also good for people dealing with IBS.

If you are interested in trying this the most common recipe is 2 teaspoons of Certo in 3 ounces of grape juice three times a day. I don't think you have to take it 3 times a day but it may depend on how severe your issues are.

This website said the following,

"Within a week, most arthritis sufferers experienced significant relief of pain. They then either reduced the dose or discontinued Certo altogether until they had another flare-up of pain."

Here are two things I thought that were interesting when I read about this.

#1 Many people swear by the effectiveness of an arthritis Certo treatment, yet to date there have been no studies conducted on it to prove its efficacy.

#2 Certo is a thickening agent that can be found in most grocery stores. It contains an extract called pectin, which is a natural ingredient found in plant cells.

I found this information here. At that same site there are several other suggestions for help in this area.

I thought these comments above were pretty funny actually. #1 A lot of people swear this works BUT there have been no studies proving it? #2 Pectin is a natural ingredient found in plant cells. Have we ever heard how good it is for us to be eating LOTS of fruits and veggies? Well, do we really need a test to figure out how, why, and if this works?
I say do your own study.
Try it for several days and see what you think. It is certainly a lot cheaper than the medication prescribed for this issue. Also, there are NO side affects. How can you go wrong with this?

You can find this at the grocery store with the canning products, like Suregel, canning jars, or I think it is also in the jello/pudding area.

For more interesting reading here are a few more links for you. Be sure to read all the way to the bottom on the first one.

The People's Pharmacy
(there is even a suggestion that this helps with high blood pressure/high cholesterol

About.com arthritis

Submit Your Article.com

If you try this (or have already tried this) please leave us a comment with your results.

Tip From Cultured Mom:
You don't have to drink this in a full glass of juice. You can just use about 3 oz. if you like. I usually mix mine with Pomegranate juice (2 oz.) and grape juice (3 oz.) for a total of around 5 oz.

The main thing to know is to stir IMMEDIATELY or you will be drinking chunky juice...a lot like a chunk of jelly. Not very tasty to me.